Chapter 2 - Advanced Transfiguration

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The school year started the same as any other. The Sorting Ceremony was a big blur as I was so hungry that I couldn't pay attention to it.

The next day we got our class schedules, which were similar to the one we had last year except for the two Elective Subjects. All four Houses had both classes together which made us happy because it meant that Tonks, Charlie, and I would be together in Care of Magical Creatures.

Along with my class schedule, I got another piece of paper, which according to professor Flitwick, came from professor McGonagall. I knew it was about my Advanced Transfiguration lessons before even looking at it.

I already took Advanced Transfiguration last year after the holidays but it was only every other week and we mostly covered the theoretical part of it, so I was super excited about what McGonagall was going to show me this year.

With extra Transfiguration classes twice per week and counting on joining the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team my schedule was packed as much as I imagined it would be. I didn't mind it, it just meant that I would have to work extra hard to find time for drawing and spending some quality time with Pip and my friends.

The morning the classes started I decided to write my entire schedule on the same piece of parchment, as I didn't want to miss anything.

Monday – Potions, Double Charms, Double History of Magic, Astronomy at Midnight
Tuesday – Double Ancient Runes, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Double Transfiguration, Advanced Transfiguration
Wednesday – Double Potions, Herbology, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures
Thursday – Ancient Runes, History of Magic, Double Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy at Midnight
Friday – Double Defense Against the Dark Arts, Double Herbology, Transfiguration, Advanced Transfiguration

Despite having History of Magic and Astronomy on Thursday, I knew that I was still going to look forward to every Thursday as we had double Care of Magical Creatures.

As expected, the first week went by like it didn't even exist. Charms were going to be interesting this year as we were learning a lot of fire spells. Defense Against the Dark Arts looked promising as well. Nothing could beat History of Magic when it comes to being boring, even though Penny made a promise to herself that this year she will stay awake and take all the notes and take one for the team.

Tonks and I made a bet she will last for two weeks while Charlie and Tulip believed she would only last for one.

Transfiguration was as exciting as always, even though I couldn't help but notice that Tulip, Jae, and Charlie were having problems coping with the speed professor McGonagall started the class this year. I am confident that it's nothing a couple of hours in the Library with me can't fix.

Penny almost poked Snape in the eye with her wand as he was walking around the class, telling us that this year will be our toughest yet because there will be a lot of potion brewing and she got a little too excited. Of course, to Snape, it didn't matter if she was the best in his class as he took 5 points from Hufflepuff.

We all started to pay more attention in Herbology. Not that we didn't love how Tonks was teaching us last year but we wanted to see what Tonks saw in the subject. By Friday, Tulip and I gave up as we possibly didn't find it as entertaining.

That wasn't the only thing that happened on Friday. That morning, Orion, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain sat down next to me and Penny having breakfast.

"Hi, girls," he said as I had to look at him twice to recognize just who he was.

"Nova, I know you were debating whether to try out for the team last year and a little birdie told me that you are rather good." The sound of his smooth voice made me want to go back upstairs and sleep some more.

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