Chapter 9 - The O.W.L.s and a Letter

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The morning before my first O.W.L. which was from Care of Magical Creatures – so I couldn't help to be a little nervous as I still held Kettleburn for his word that I could take care of a salamander if I get an O on my O.W.L. – I made my way down with Tulip for breakfast. Bill, Charlie, Penny, and Tonks were already there and they greeted us as we sat down.

"Nervous, you three?" Penny asked, looking at Tonks, Charlie, and me.

"Nope." Charlie and I both said at once.

"I think that I have third wheeled with these two enough to pass the class." Tonks pointed at us.

"What do you mean third wheeled?" I asked puzzled.

I looked at Charlie who just chuckled. I still haven't managed to figure out what was different about him. He has always been a tranquil person but ever since we made up he seemed so okay with everything and if something happened that made me confused he just chuckled like now or winked at me. And I knew that was new, as Charlie was too shy to wink at an animal let alone to me, or any girl for that matter.

Before any of them could reply it was time for Owl Post and I saw Pip searching for me.

"Hi, Pippy!" I greeted him and took the letter from his beak. He made his way to Charlie at once.

I stared at the envelope, without knowing what to do. I haven't gotten a blue envelope with a golden stamp since my dad passed away.

"What's wrong?" Charlie knew something wasn't right immediately, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"'s from Egypt." I was still holding on to the letter and now we all stared at it as if it was going to open itself.

"What do you reckon is about?" Penny asked as gently as she could.

"I have no idea," I replied. I looked at Charlie and he nodded for me to open it. I turned it around and broke the seal. I took out the parchment and started reading. I appreciated that Charlie pulled away from me so I could read the letter in private, even though I would've shown it to him anyway.

Dear Nova,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I don't know if your mum told you but we are still unable to fill your father's position. The interns we got this summer were nothing compared to the boys he trained last year.

We decided to go through his files and found a recommendation letter in the folder of William Weasley.

If I recall correctly, he is your friend and he got the internship because you told your father that his ambition is to become a Curse Breaker. Upon looking through his file, we were quite impressed and your dad wrote and I quote "he is a rising star in the Curse Breaking community". Upon seeing his birth year, I would assume he is in his books studying for N.E.W.T.s right now but just in case I have miscalculated something, I was wondering if you would be so kind and give him this letter.

We would be delighted to hear from him and offer him your father's position if he is still interested in working with us. Of course, he would have to go through several training exercises and the whole procedure like everyone else, but I don't want to bore you with the details.

I greatly appreciate your help and know that despite what happened, you still have family here that you can visit.

A warm greeting from us all here in Egypt,

A tear ran down my cheek, as I finished the letter. I looked up, everybody was still looking at me.

"It's for you." I looked at Bill and gave him the letter across the table, gently smiling. Tulip and Penny, sitting next to him, peaked and read it with him.

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