Chapter 6 - Christmas Weasley

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The day after the slug incident as Tulip liked to call it, I woke up very early as I kept thinking about how I have to finish my drawing of Pip. I decided to get out of bed and go down for breakfast alone. I knew I could bring Pip with me so I thought I could finish the drawing while munching on my toast.

I went to the Owlery and for the first time, I had to wake Pip up and he wasn't so happy to see me as he wished to sleep for a little while longer. Nonetheless, he gave in to my scratches and hopped on my arm. Together we made way to the Great Hall which was practically deserted except for a couple of Ravenclaws that were half asleep and looked like they were studying for their O.W.L.s.

I put some jelly on my toast and opened my notebook.

"Now, where were we Pip?" I took out one of my pencils. I started working on the feathers again and was quite happy with the progress I was able to make since Pip was too tired to peek at his portrait.

"Good morning, Nova." I heard a sleepy voice say behind me.

"Mind if I sit next to you?" Charlie asked, sitting down before I could even answer him. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw what a mess his red hair was.

"Good morning. What are you doing up already?" I helped myself to another piece of toast, while Pip was trying to get some of the crumbs left behind from my last one.

"We got a lot of homework yesterday from professor Snape and I better get on it before I forget." He shuffled a few spoons of cereal into his bowl. "Name and describe seven differences between the Wiggenweld Potion and Blood Replenishing Pooo...tion." He yawned.

"Seven differences, what did you do to Snape?" I gasped.

"How did you know we managed to destroy a cauldron?" He poured milk over his cereal now.

"I didn't, I just thought you had to do something wrong since we only got three differences." I put more jelly on my toast as I decided one thick layer wasn't enough. "And how did you manage to destroy a cauldron on your first lesson? We weren't even working with them?"

"Well, one of the Slytherins wanted to show off by performing the Fire Making Charm under the cauldron and it exploded."

"A cauldron exploded, where?" Penny interrupted my laughing. She had a concerned look on her face. She was followed by Tonks who looked as if Penny woke her up so abruptly that she will never recover.

They didn't even sit down properly when Tulip came running to our table, panting.

"I...thought...I...missed...breakfast." She said, trying to catch her breath.

"Tulip you have got to get a watch." Penny chuckled.

"And who is this red-haired laddie?" Tonks reminded me that I haven't introduced Charlie to them yet.

"Oh, right! Sorry, Charlie. Tonks, Tulip, Penny this is Charlie. The boy I told you about yesterday. Charlie these are Tonks, Tulip, and Penny."

"Nice to meet you!" They exclaimed as they each shook his hand.

"Do you mind if he seats with us?" I asked, not knowing if they would be bothered by having breakfast with a boy.

"Get off it! He's one of us now." Said Tonks while stuffing a huge piece of toast in her mouth. Charlie couldn't help but blush a little.

"Say, Charlie, Penny is good at potions, perhaps she can help you with your homework," I said while trying to make Pip – now completely awake – to be still.

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