Chapter 7 - The Help From Egypt

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I appreciated Penny's help to figure out who I wanted to go to the Ball with but I still couldn't shake this guilty feeling I had about my dream with Murphy. I had a feeling the dream might have something to do with my decision about the dance. After Penny's judgemental looks when I told her about him being able to walk, I knew I couldn't talk to her about it so I decided to talk to the one person, I knew would understand my situation.

I went to the Owlery as soon as I finished talking to Penny and send Pip to Bill. He responded that evening to tell me that we can meet through the fire in the Ravenclaw Common Room at midnight. I have only heard about this type of correspondence from my dad and I wasn't exactly sure how it's supposed to work.

Staying up until midnight and being in the Common Room was no problem being a Prefect. I pulled one of the armchairs as close as possible to the fire and looked at the time. Only a minute more.

Suddenly, the fire sparkled and something started to move inside of it. I leaned closer.

"Boo!" Bill's face appeared in the middle of the flames.

"Merlin's beard, Bill! You scared me!" He was laughing so hard that I couldn't help but join him. I missed him so much at Hogwarts!

"I will put out your fire, Bill!" I mocked him. His face got serious again.

"How are you Nova, how's school?" His friendly face confirmed that he was the right one for this conversation.

"Good, everything's going great." I didn't want to make small talk, even though I wanted to know everything about Egypt and how his job is.

"You seemed pretty concerned in your letter. What's wrong?" He said, worried.

"It's rather stupid but I don't know who else to talk to about this." I frowned, scratching the back of my head.

"Here I am! Pour your problems on me, Blackwood!" He grinned.

"Okay, so! I already asked Penny about this but I need a second opinion. It's about the Ball and who I would like to be asked by." I blushed. I didn't know how exactly he could see me but I was hoping he couldn't see the color of my cheeks.

"Oh." Bill looked slightly embarrassed. "Wouldn't Tulip and Tonks be of better help in that department?" Even in the fire, I could see him getting uncomfortable.

"Well, I am deciding between two." I started.

"Murphy and Charlie," he said matter of factly.

" do you know that?" I was stunned. I never talked to Bill about my crush on Murphy and I definitely didn't talk to him about Charlie. I even didn't know I had a thing for Charlie until a few weeks ago!

"Nova, I know you, okay. I am not blind." He winked. "So what do you need help with? I hope you don't expect me to help you choose, you know I would pick Charlie, my whole family is trying to make you a Weasley since first year." He said casually.

"Why does everyone think that going to the Ball with someone makes you get married?" I frowned.

"Oh, you'll see." Bill winked at me. Why was everybody winking at me? What was I missing?!

"Bill, focus! You are here for a reason!" I clapped at him. "I had a dream about Murphy a few nights ago." Bill made a smug face.

"Not that type of a dream, William!" I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, I dreamt he wasn't in a wheelchair."

I was waiting for Bill's reaction. No judgemental face. No gasp.

"I don't understand your problem?" Bill scratched his cheek. This is why I wanted to talk to him. I knew he, out of all people, would understand and not judge me.

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