Chapter 10 - A Very Weasley Invitation

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On the morning we were leaving Hogwarts for the summer, Tulip and I woke early to pack. If Penny knew we weren't packed yet she would've scolded us yesterday. After we were all done we went down to grab a quick breakfast as our Prefects were trying to get us to Hogsmeade Station as soon as possible for us not to miss the train.

The ride was very different from the one we had when we were arriving at school last fall. For one, Charlie and Bill joined us. We all knew each other very well now and we were all close friends and we had at least twice the number of sweets as the last time.

After the third Chocolate Frog, Charlie gave up as he didn't get any new cards and decided to open my Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans instead.

We started to discuss what we were going to do over the summer.

Penny was excited as she, her little sister, and her parents were going to visit some relatives that had a vacation home in Brighton and she couldn't wait to spend some time at the beach. The rest of us were quite puzzled as we couldn't understand what was so fun about such a Muggle vacation. She explained that due to her dad being Muggle, he and her mum agreed that once per year they have to do something that Muggles do as he had enough magic at home.

Tonks said that she has at least 4 pranks she can pull on her parents, as she was still not over the name that they gave her. She also said that she was not looking forward to visiting some family relatives her parents made her tag along every year. They didn't have any children and they kept nagging Tonks to change her hair color to normal.

Tulip was going to try and convince her dad to tell her what kind of job he has and what exactly do they keep in the Department of Mysteries. She told us that she tried every year. When she wasn't going to be busy with that she was going to help her mum with her shop in Diagon Alley. She kindly invited us all to come and visit if we happen to be there any time during the summer.

I started to tell the group about my plans. I knew I was going to try and convince my mum to get my second-year books as soon as we get the new list even though I knew she would probably say no. Getting me the books so in advance meant that she wouldn't get me out of my room all summer.

I knew my dad was probably going to be busy at work. However, mum did say in her last letter that she managed to get a week off work in July so we are going to go and see dad in Egypt. When I told that to the group, I couldn't help but chuckle as Bill couldn't hide his jealousy about me going to Egypt to see my father, the curse breaker as he called him.

We were also probably going to visit my aunt in Scotland. Something that I was really excited about because she is an Abraxan breeder and she always let me feed and pet them. I was hoping though that we wouldn't go to my other aunt and uncle who lived in America. Just getting there was a mess and they always thought highly of themselves as they debated how MACUSA was better than the British Ministry for Magic.

And I would just love to see their faces when I would tell them that one of my best friends is a Half-Blood. Marrying Muggles is prohibited in America and they strictly stand behind the law.

Charlie and Bill then told us all about the summer at the Burrow. How they will play Quidditch in the backyard. How Bill will try to hide a gnome from Fred and George so Charlie could befriend him and how they already knew that Percy would bombard them with one hundred questions about Hogwarts.

I looked through the window, watching the blurry trees and clouds. I couldn't stop myself from imagining what an amazing summer it would be if I could spend it at the Burrow with Charlie. Playing Quidditch and meeting all of his family sounded much more fun than listening to my American relatives. Just as I scored an imaginary goal against Charlie, a voice woke me from my daydream.

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