Chapter 7 - The Forbidden Feeling

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I was in the Hospital Wing for a week. My back was still aching – that Bludger hit me hard – and I was so mad at myself for not noticing it.

I was in so much pain because of the hit. But nothing hurt more than knowing that Charlie didn't visit me once. Tulip, Tonks, and Penny were with me as much as they could be even though I couldn't shake the feeling that they were mad at me. It was nice of Murphy to come and check on me a few times but I didn't think anything of it as my whole Quidditch team did the same.

Even Bill came to see me one day even though it was the most awkward situation I have ever had with anyone. I tried asking him about Charlie but bit my tongue at the last second.

I completely understood Charlie not visiting me. At this point, even I was mad at myself. I just don't know what got over me. I got so angry with him because of what I have been doing this whole time. I felt so conflicted. I was looking at him, being angry with me and all I wanted to do was hug him and stop the fight. But I felt too guilty to admit what I have done.

It was bad enough that I fought with Penny just the day before and on the same spot too. But when he said that we drifted apart and that he understands, I felt as if he was giving up on us, even though I knew it was my fault. He meant the world to me and just a thought of him not being in my life, made me cry.

What I hated the most was the fact that he was trying every day to talk to me and I didn't want to hear him out. I was making both of our lives hell and I feel horrible for it. I don't even know why I was so selfish. Something just snapped in me and it was as if I couldn't let it go.

The day of my release from the Hospital Wing finally arrived. Tulip, Tonks, and Penny helped me up to the Ravenclaw Tower, but we walked in silence and an uncomfortable one at that. I felt the tension between us and it was time to settle things.

It was enough that one friend was mad at me and it just kept getting worse and I got a feeling that I might lose everybody if I don't snap out of it and confront my guilt.

"Is everything okay?" I asked while we were walking.

"Mhm," Tonks said through her lips, Penny and Tulip just nodded.

"Okay, stop." I stopped walking. "What is going on?" I needed some answers.

"You're rude and selfish, that's what's going on." Tonks frowned at me.

"Tonks, stop." Penny grabbed her hand.

"No, Penny, let her speak," I said. "I can feel something is not right and I want to know what I did to you."

"To us? You know what, Penny was right when she said you are oblivious!" I have never seen Tonks so mad.

"We're mad at you because of Charlie." Tulip explained calmly.

"Oh." Was all I managed to say. I didn't expect that answer.

"You're breaking his heart by being stubborn, Nova! He feels so bad about whatever he said to you that made you so upset!" Tonks barked at me.

Penny started to speak, as I looked at her. "We ran into him, Jae, and Bill at the Quidditch Match and we sat together." She winced, thinking I was going to be angry about them watching the game together. I wasn't. I didn't mean our fight to affect our friends and their relationships as well.

"That's nice," I said in a really low voice, wishing I could be there too.

"Yeah, it was! He's a wreck because of you! He only said those things because he was hurt! You were spending more time with everyone else than him and he was mad that you couldn't take a day to be with him." Tonks' hair was changing color every other second, that's how mad she was.

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