Chapter 1 - The First Three Years

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I couldn't believe how rested I felt. I haven't had that feeling in a long time. Having two days off really does do you good, who would've thought. I turned around and saw that Charlie was already out of bed. The fact that I was rested wasn't the only rare occasion. Having 2 days off at the same time as Charlie did, that was even rarer.

We worked in the Sanctuary for about a year now and if I didn't love my job as much as I did, I would've given up a long time ago. Feeling tired and smelling like roasted meat most of the time wasn't even that bad because of the work I could do.

I still remember the day when I arrived. I was so nervous to meet everyone and to see what exactly my job would be. They greeted me with extended arms and big grins plastered on their faces, just like Charlie said they would. He came 2 weeks prior and waited behind the crowd of people who were excited to meet me.

The welcomeness of everyone calmed me down a bit and I just gave in. I knew I already got the job, that I am not going to go through an initiation process or any of the sorts.

"Wotcher! You must be Nova!" A man with a thick mustache approached me and squeezed my hand so tightly that I wanted to wince from the pain. I could see that Charlie wasn't the only one with muscles around here as I eyed the man, that introduced himself as Ben, up and down.

The next one to offer me a hand was a blond man named Tim. He had to be about my age but with a lot more scars than Charlie had. He was followed by Alice, Beatrice, Sam, and Dominik. After they all asked me the polite questions of how were my travels and if I need anything I should just ask, I finally reached the two men that looked like they were in charge.

"You must be Andrei." I smiled. He was the only one I recognized as Charlie told me a lot about him and he was the one who wrote me the letter.

"Pleasure to finally meet you! Charlie can't shut up about you!" He returned the smile and shook my hand. I tried not to blush and act as professionally as I could, even though my eyes went to Charlie, who was standing behind them, at once.

"And I'm Felix." The other one said. Felix Rosier – Charlie told me about him as well. Very talented and he went to our school and was a Prefect. I studied his face to see if I could recall seeing him at Hogwarts, but he didn't seem familiar at all.

"Nice to meet you both!" I liked meeting all the rest but I can't lie, I was the most excited to meet these two. The way Charlie spoke about them has piqued my interest.

"We can chat more at dinner. You must be tired." Andrei said and gestured to start walking with him.

Charlie joined us, beaming. I knew he couldn't wait to show me around and I knew he was just as excited for me to finally be here as I was. I missed him so much in these past 14 days and I couldn't wait to hug and kiss him.

"You wait here." We stopped in front of a wooden cottage that looked like a reception. "Dorothy will be with you soon to accommodate you." He grinned. His eyes met those of Charlie's and he winked at him. I had no idea what was going on but I was excited to get my own place.

I have been dreaming about living in one of these cottages ever since Charlie told me that our date room in the Room of Requirement was something like these huts in the Sanctuary.

"Ah, Dot! Here you are!" Andrei playfully slammed his hand on the wall next to the door that just opened. Dot was a middle-aged woman that reminded me a lot of Molly if Molly had pitch-black hair.

"Oh, a new arrival!" She squeaked. "Come in dear, come in!" She waved her hand and I looked at Felix and Andrei who nodded that I should go inside.

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