Chapter 6 - Christmas at the Burrow

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As our last Hogsmeade trip before the holidays was approaching I couldn't help but feel nervous as I still didn't know what to get for some of the Weasleys. I knew I was going to get sweets for Ron and Ginny and Tulip and Tonks agreed to help me buy something for the twins in Zonko's. I decided on socks for Percy, as I didn't have a better idea for him but I was left without an idea for Bill, Charlie, Molly, and Arthur.

Bill tried to reassure me that his parents won't expect anything and that if I have to get them something I shouldn't stress over it so much. Charlie then gave me an idea to buy something Muggle-related for his dad. For his mum, he only told me that she likes snow but it didn't look like it was going to happen this year for Christmas.

Penny was more than happy to write to her dad on my behalf and ask if he could buy the most Muggle thing he can imagine so that I could gift it to Arthur. After strolling around and looking for ideas in window displays at Hogsmeade, I decided I would get Bill a new quill – kind of a good luck present for his O.W.L.s – and I found a rather interesting book in Maestro's Music Shop for Charlie. It had illustrations of creatures inside and if you tapped the creature with a wand, the book made a sound as the animal in the picture does.

I was relieved that I found perfect presents for all the family, the only one left was Molly. I decided to join Penny, Tulip, and Tonks in Three Broomsticks for a Butterbeer and asked them if they had any ideas. Much to my surprise, Tonks had something on her mind that might just work.

"If she likes snow so much, I can teach you a spell that creates it. Just imagine everyone opening presents, you swing your wand and tell Molly to look outside." Tonks grinned at me.

"And where exactly did you learn this spell from?" Penny wasn't as excited as I was, eyeing Tonks suspiciously.

"My mum showed it to me one summer as I didn't shut up about wanting snow," Tonks explained.

"I would like to see that!" Tulip got excited. "Why are they not teaching us that in class?"

"Perhaps, because it can be dangerous to mess with the weather," Penny warned us.

I, however, didn't want to hear any negative side effects of it. If Tonks taught me this spell and it would work, then I had presents for everybody!

Tonks only had a day to teach me the spell before Bill, Charlie, and I would go to the Burrow. We met by the Lake after lunch, Tonks ready to teach us as Tulip and Penny decided to bring their wands and learn as well.

"Alright, so it's a pretty simple spell, really." Tonks started.

"You point your wand at the sky, imagine the snow and say Meteolojinx." She pointed her wand, high in the air, saying the word.

Nothing happened. Not a single snowflake in sight.

"Perhaps you have to do it a couple of times. Did it start snowing immediately when your mum did it?" I asked, trying not to get discouraged at her failed attempt.

"I don't remember." Tonks scratched her nose.

"Well, let me try." We took a few steps backward to give Tulip space to cast the spell. She pointed her wand at the sky like Tonks and said the incantation.

Again, nothing happened.

"Perhaps our willpower is too weak as we are still learning and would take effect if two of us do it at the same time?" Penny thought out loud.

I stepped forward with her, our wands in the air. "Meteolojinx!" We said together.

As nothing happened yet again, we decided to give up. I was so sad that I would have to go to the Burrow tomorrow with presents for everybody except Molly. I was so upset that I went straight to bed right after dinner.

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