Chapter 2 - Dragons at Hogwarts

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"Come on, Eero. Work with me, please." I was crouched behind a boulder talking to a Common Welsh Green.

"I just want you to have a friend." I pleaded and sneaked a look at Eero. He did not look amused but was laying down which was progress.

I approached him, my wand ready and my eyes down. I was determined that this was going to be the day!

"No, no biting, Eero!" I put my hand down when he snapped his jaw at it. "We did that yesterday. Let's do something else today." He laid back down and if he had the ability I was pretty sure he would roll his eyes at me.

"Ajax, come boy," I whispered toward the boulder opposite to the one I was hiding behind. My chimera showed himself slowly. He was such a good boy and he was perfectly tamed now. My co-workers thought I was mental acting like he's a little crup but to me, he was more of a pet than a beast.

"Now, Eero." I looked back at the dragon and felt relief when I saw that he was eyeing Ajax but with curiosity rather than anger or agitation. "Will you be so kind and share your personal space with Ajax?" I approached the Welsh Green, his eyes still on the chimera. His tail was still which was a good sign and it stayed that way even when Ajax was getting closer.

"Okay, Ajax. Stop. Not too fast." I put my hand up at him and he sat down, his tail moving from left to right in anticipation. "Eero, buddy." I looked back at the dragon. "Are you going to be a good boy today?" He laid his head on the ground, his eyes going from me to Ajax, and started letting out smoke through his nostrils.

"Good. Thank you." I felt like I was working with a teenager. Almost as stubborn as the only person he listened to – the Freckled Weasley. I waved at Ajax to come even closer and I couldn't believe it when Eero let Ajax sit a few meters away from him.

"Today is a good day, boys!" I exclaimed, careful not to show too much excitement or Eero might just take it away. "So, how about a lunch date?" I looked at them both and Ajax roared in excitement. I lifted my wand and levitated 2 steaks between them. My heart was beating so fast that I could barely pull off the Levitation Charm.

I slowly placed the pieces of meat down as their eyes wandered from each other to the meal. Eero started moving his tail and his claws were scratching the earth beneath him but he didn't move.

"Steady, Eero. Steady." I said softly. Ajax was still sitting, patiently waiting for my command.

I might have needed over a year to tame the chimera but my work was so much easier because of it. I could now focus only on the dragons, knowing full well I can trust Ajax not constantly keeping an eye on him.

"Now," I stood a few meters away from them, "share your meal, slowly." Ajax looked at me and I nodded. He got up and carefully approached the steaks on the floor. Before he took his piece, he looked at Eero who didn't move but has raised his head now.

Ajax bit in the steak and took a few steps backward. I gazed at Eero who copied Ajax's movements, taking his steak and retreating. I felt like I was going to explode from happiness. I finally managed to befriend a chimera with a dragon. I couldn't wait to write my report on it and tell my team and Charlie!

"You two needed almost as long as me and Charlie!" I laughed at my joke and sat on the ground, observing them having lunch together.

"Nova!" I stood up at once, holding my hand at Ajax, to make him stay put.

"Blackwood, where are you?" I retrieved backward, still looking at the two creatures.

"Andrei, stop shouting!" I hissed at him when I saw him running towards me.

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