Chapter 6 - The Quidditch Love Triangle

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After two weeks I gave up all hope that Nova and I would ever speak again. I tried talking to her every day and she always stormed away. I have never felt so bad about anything in my life. I didn't even care anymore that I had a crush on her, I just wanted my best friend back.

She even went so far that she asked Jae if Tulip could switch places with her in History of Magic and Transfiguration as she didn't want to sit with me. I was miserable and I hated myself because I know it was all my fault. Even Bill was surprised at this point and thought, like me, that we would already talk it out.

The stupidest thing was, that I don't even remember why I was so mad about the whole thing. I just knew I could say some mean things when I was angry.

I tried to bury myself in my studies but I was doing rather poorly. I now spent most of my time with either Jae, Bill, or Barnaby. I don't know what Nova told the girls but I thought Penny was going to transfigure me into a rat the other day. They were all furious. Mum wasn't wrong when she said that girls can be dangerous.

The only time I had any fun these days was playing Quidditch. It cheered me up, knowing that we won't play against Ravenclaw until next year and that meant I wouldn't have to play against Nova. Our Captain forgave me for giving up the Snitch last year and was happier than ever when I supported his decision to have even more practice. The more I was on that pitch the better.

I now had Bill to help me study for my O.W.L.s. He spent so much time with me in the Library and while studying for N.E.W.T.s still found time to answer my every question if one came to mind.

Jae offered to talk to Tulip and Tonks to see what was going on and why is Nova so mad. I was pretty sure I had the answer to that question and I appreciated the help but I didn't want anyone to interfere. I reckoned it would make Nova even madder if it was even possible.

I am not going to lie, I did think about Jae's offer. I was getting desperate. She was either with the girls or her Quidditch team and no matter how hard I tried I never got her alone. In the end, Jae asked Tulip about it anyway and she told him that it's none of their business and we have to solve it on our own.

I knew that much, I was just running out of ways to talk to her or say sorry. I wrote her a letter a few times but never got a response. I spent more time than usual at her favorite places but she seemed to never be there.

To make matters worse I saw her eating lunch alone with McNully several times. I was mentally preparing myself to see them holding hands any day now.

The match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff was approaching fast. I was excited about it as it would be a rare occasion these days where I would see Nova not being mad. One thing I wasn't looking forward to was listening to McNully commentate on every single one of her moves – I hated knowing he was watching her.

I made my way to the pitch with Jae and Bill.

"Jae, thank you for going with us. I know Tulip asked you to go with her." Jae still fancied Tulip and it looked like they were doing pretty good but these days nobody hung out with anybody because of me and Nova. Jae insisted that the whole thing between us was rubbish and said that if Tulip can take Nova's side, he was going to stick with mine and I appreciated that very much. I knew he missed hanging out with her.

"Don't mention it, mate." He smiled sincerely. "As I said, if they want to hold grudges against my best mate, then I don't want anything to do with them."

"That's nice of you, Jae," Bill said and I agreed. Jae just shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.

On our way up to the stands, we ran into Tulip, Tonks, and Penny.

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