Chapter 5 - Saving a Weasley

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I felt so bad for Penny having to stay behind and clean the slugs that were without a doubt brought to the classroom by Tonks when she went to the bathroom and were the jelly things hitting the floor. I wanted to find Tulip and Tonks as soon as possible as I couldn't help but be a bit angry with them, my head still hurting.

I was almost at the Great Hall when I heard someone calling me.

"Nova, over here!" I turned around and saw Tonks and Tulip waving at me.

"Where's Penny?" Asked Tulip, oblivious.

"She got detention because of your slugs!" I said, trying to control my voice. Tonks had to bit her lip no to burst out laughing as I continued.

"I stood up and stepped on one of them and fell flat on my back. Snape, of course, noticed at once and since the slugs made their way under our table and Penny and I were the only ones left in the classroom, he blamed her, took 20 points from Hufflepuff, and made her clean the mess all by herself! I tried defending her but Snape threatened me with detention as well so Penny nudged me to leave." Seeing that I was angry, massaging the bump on my head, Tulip and Tonks' faces changed.

"Blimey Nova, I'm sorry," Tonks said sincerely. "Are you going to be okay or should we go to the Hospital Wing just in case?" She added.

"I'll be fine. And it should be Penny you should apologize to because I don't want to know how mad she is at you. Not only is Potions her favorite subject and she asked you not to pull any pranks on the first day, but you also got her in detention on the first day of school!"

"Tonks, I think Nova is right. Why don't we go back to the Dungeons and tell Snape the truth." I could see Tulip felt bad just for thinking slugs in the Potions classroom were funny.

"Alright, alright. You girls will make me a better person if this continues!" She groaned but Tulip and I knew she liked that we made her responsible for her actions.

"Are you coming with, Nova?" Tulip asked as I was about to head in the other direction.

"Are you kidding? I don't want to be anywhere near Snape until our next lesson on Thursday!" I exclaimed. "I think I am going to the Courtyard to draw. Meet you at dinner?"

"See you later!" They both said and ran towards the Dungeons.

It was weird going somewhere alone. I know I have only been at Hogwarts for 3 days but I always had at least one of the girls with me. I was debating between the Owlery or the Middle Courtyard to relax and draw. I decided to go to the Owlery to check if Pip was sleeping.

It didn't surprise me that the second I stepped in, he was already on my shoulder, hooting happily and nibbling my ear, probably to thank me for the visit.

"What do you say we go to the Courtyard and I draw you, you beautiful bird?" Pip hooted ever so loudly, moved from my shoulder to my arm and we made our way down the stairs.

I was happy it wasn't as full with students as I thought it would be since there wasn't a cloud in the sky. I sat down on one of the stone benches, putting Pip and my bag down and took out my drawing book.

"Oh, how I've missed you!" I whispered to the notebook and hugged it slightly. I haven't drawn for about 4 days and I was angry at myself for it.

I sat on the grass next to the bench rather than on it because it was easier for me to use the bench for a table and Pip positioned himself so well as if he was posing.

"Good boy, Pip! Now stay still so that I can at least make a good sketch." Pip hooted at me and returned to his posing. I chuckled as I took out my brand new pencils bought by my dad as a you're going to Hogwarts and I am proud of you gift.

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