Chapter 1 - We Suck at Hiding

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I don't know what I was thinking when I thought that once we get to the Burrow we won't have to hide as much. Did I forget that Charlie has a big family?

The second I walked through the door Ginny was all over me, followed by Ron. I have missed them so much! I looked around and was a little disappointed when I haven't seen another friendly face that I have been missing very much.

Charlie helped me take my stuff into Ginny's room and I know he was hoping to sneak in a kiss but Ginny was glued to my side. I mouthed later and went back down with her. She was showing me a book Arthur gave her. It contained Muggle Fairytales and I couldn't help but be intrigued.

I still didn't feel right and was slightly uncomfortable. I felt a part of the family for years but it was different now that Charlie and I were together. It was more serious and I felt bad that we had to lie to our families.

That night, I had to tell Molly and Ginny all about my dress for the Ball and how it was. I knew I was blushing while talking about it, it was the best night of my life. I hated myself for lying to them, telling them we only danced when so much more happened but I knew we weren't ready to tell them.

After the twins, Ron and Ginny went to bed and Charlie wasn't in the living room I decided to go out and get some fresh air. I sat on the bench right outside the house. I was still feeling down and I didn't know why. I loved spending time at the Burrow but I felt like I was missing something.

"Evening," Charlie whispered and bestowed me with the sweetest smile. "May I join you?" I nodded and he sat down next to me and pulled me in a half hug.

"Charlie, we have to be careful." I pulled away from him and looked through the window if someone could see us.

"Relax, most of them are upstairs and they are used to us hugging." He turned my head so I had to look him in the eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"I don't know. I just feel so weird." I answered honestly.

"You hate lying to my family, too," he said, gently. He knew me so well and I was happy he agreed.

"I just love them all so much and I hated the fact that all I wanted to do was talk about how we got together at the Ball with your mum and Ginny but I just went on and on how good of a dancer you are." I frowned. He was a good dancer but that didn't make it easier.

"I don't like it, either. But I think it's too soon to tell them." He lowered his head.

"It is. It's just..." I lifted his chin. I love his eyes so much. "Usually when you start dating someone you bring them to meet your family for the first time." I chuckled. "I already feel a part of it for a very long time." A big smile spread across his face.

"Bill was right when he said that I will make you a Weasley one day." He leaned towards me and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

"Bill." That was it! I knew why I was so down!

"Saying my brother's name when I kiss you is not exactly a big turn-on." He pulled away and looked bemused.

"I'm sorry." I chuckled. "I have been trying to figure out all day why I feel so weird and now that you said his name I remembered," I explained.

"You miss him, don't you?" He said gently. "I miss him too."

"I was just so used to having him around you know and the three of us always had such amazing conversations and I know he's in Egypt but I was secretly hoping..."

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