Chapter 8 - A Very Concerned Brother

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3 months later...

I woke up abruptly and looked around. I needed a second to realize that I was at the Burrow. Ever since I left Egypt to take a desk job to help with the Order I am staying at home because it's an easier commute. I miss living alone and I miss Egypt even more but hopefully, I'll be able to go back soon.

I sat up and ran my hand across my face. Mum broke something again. These days no pot was safe if she was upset. I sighed and stood up. Thank Merlin it's Friday and I can have two days off. Perhaps I'll visit my mates in Egypt. Anything to get away for a while, to be honest.

I love my parents and it's nice to be back home but mum is not doing the best since Nova passed away and Percy decided to stick with the Ministry rather than his family, and even though she doesn't want to admit it, it shows in most of her actions.

Just the other day, my dad and I needed every muscle in our body to stomach the dish she made for dinner. We sat in the garden after she went to sleep and after debating what went wrong and trying to figure out what she put in the soup to make it taste like pure acid, we gave up and just hoped we won't end up in St Mungo's.

"Nothing again!" I heard my mum sigh as I started down the stairs.

"You have to be patient, Mollywobbles." My dad replied to her. I had to put my hand over my mouth to stop the chuckle. My dad called mum Mollywobbles whenever they thought they were alone and thought none of us knew, but we all just pretended we didn't have a clue.

"Patient, patient!" Mum scoffed. "I am worried sick!"

"I know, dear. But..."

"Morning." I interrupted my dad as I felt guilty for eavesdropping and knowing my mum, I would find out about whatever they were talking about sooner or later.

"Merlin's beard, Bill!" My mum jumped in the air, her hands on her chest.

"Mum, I've been staying here for over a month." I rolled my eyes. "And I still startle you every time I come to the kitchen."

"I am sorry, dear," she said after coming to her senses. "Your father and I were just talking and I completely forgot." Like she did most mornings. I tried several methods of showing myself in the kitchen without scaring her half to death. So far, none of them worked.

"What were you talking about?" I put some eggs on my plate.

"Look!" She put her hand on the letters in front of her and slid them across the table to me. I picked each of them up. There was one from Ginny, from Ron, from Fred and George, from our aunt Muriel and even one from Harry Potter.

"Yes?" I couldn't grasp what made her so upset.

"Oh, seriously, William!" She slammed the table with her hand. "How many siblings do you have?"

"Six?" I know how many brothers and sisters I have but I didn't understand what that had to do with the letters.

"And?" I knew her eyes were piercing through me, without even looking at her.

"Percy is still not talking to dad?" I guessed and regretted it instantly. Ever since Percy decided to rather stick with the story of the Ministry and not believe Harry that He Who Must Not Be Named is back, my dad has been furious and looked like he was about to punch something if any of us just mentioned his name. His face looked just like that now. Pursed lips, his nose all screwed up, cheeks turning red and I think I could see a vein pulsing on his forehead.

"Don't you dare start about that!" He mumbled through his closed lips, trying hard not to start screaming. My eyes went to mum, seeing tears in her eyes, her gaze switching between me and dad.
"Sorry!" I put my hands up trying to stop the fight before it even began. Everybody was mad at Percy for betraying his family and siding with the Ministry but as much as I tried to not think about it, dad simply couldn't let it go.

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