Chapter 5 - The Burrow is Always Your Home

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The next morning, I woke up and for a second I was hoping the events from the past few days were just a dream. Seeing Bill and Charlie both leaning on my shoulders told me it wasn't.

My mum, who was sitting in the kitchen, wearing one of Molly's nightgowns, turned her head to me as I carefully stood up trying not to wake the boys. She got up as well and nodded in the direction of the stairs.

She took me into Bill and Charlie's room and I knew that the conversation we were about to have was going to be very painful. She gestured that I should sit on Charlie's bed. Not even the dragon plushie Charlie had in the corner of his bed – for which he swore he wasn't sleeping with at night – could bring a smile on my face as it usually did.

Mum sat next to me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry." She tried to keep her voice steady. I looked at her.

"I am sorry too." I burst out crying and she pressed my head to her chest.

"I can't imagine what a shock this has to be for you. I can't even believe it and I always knew what was at stake with your dad's job." She wiped her tears away.

"I am sorry I didn't talk to you sooner, mum. I just don't know what to say." I looked up at her.

"Oh, sweetheart, I understand. It's alright." She started moving back and forth, stroking my hair. "It's alright."

"I will miss him so much." Tears falling down my face.

"I know you will, darling. I will too." She sighed and squeezed me tighter.

"You have to know that your dad was very proud of you and that he loved you so much, SO MUCH, Nova." My mum lifted my head and cupped my face. I nodded as I couldn't find the words to answer.

"I have spoken to Dumbledore and he said that you should take as long as you need away from school, alright?"

School, I completely forgot about school. I didn't know what to say. At that moment I couldn't imagine myself going back, sitting in class, or even having breakfast with my friends. So I just nodded.

"Molly said you can stay here for as long as you need." She gave out a weak smile.

"What about Charlie?" I already felt bad for him and Bill not eating, staying with me, giving me comfort with their silence. I didn't want them to be missing school because of me too.

"I know you would like nothing more than to see him stay here with you but I am sure you can understand that he has to go back to school." I nodded. Of course, I understood. But by thinking of that I wanted to go back too. I couldn't help but feel it would do me better if I just emerge myself in my homework and studies and just bury the events of the past week in them. And to be honest, I wanted to be where Charlie is.

"I want to go back too, mum." I tried sounding as sure as I possibly could.

"Really?" She sounded concerned. "You can take more time, sweetheart."

"And do what? Cry? Feel sorry for myself? Think about how I will never see my dad again?" I felt my emotions getting out of control and I couldn't help but feel angry. It wasn't fair that he died. It wasn't fair to him or my mum or me or his friends.

"If you feel it would do you good, then I support you." My mum pulled me to her chest again. "I know you feel angry, sweetheart. I know you feel like this is not something that was supposed to happen and I know you would do everything to have your dad back." She stroked my hair.

"I promise it will get better with time. It will feel less painful. Just promise me you won't hold in your emotions. If you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like shouting, do so. It is perfectly reasonable to feel all of these things." She started crying again. "You will be okay, I promise."

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