Chapter 5 - A Very Angry Charlie

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Sometimes, I needed to pinch myself just to make sure that my life was real and I wasn't dreaming. But with how things have been lately, it's hard to believe the pinch because I am living my dream.

I am a Quidditch Captain, I was deemed to be one of the best Seekers Gryffindor had in years. I had less than a year before my dream job turns from part-time to full-time and I was head over heels in love with the girl who loved me back just as much. Not only that, she accepted the job they offered her in Romania and is going to work with me after we finish school.

As if that didn't make her perfect enough, she attended every single one of our practice matches no matter how busy she was.

"C'mon, George, you could've gotten that!" I yelled across the pitch when my brother missed the Bludger that almost hit one of our Chasers. Today was the first game of the Quidditch House Cup and we were playing against Slytherin. They play dirty and I wanted my team to be prepared for anything.

We have won every year now since I am on the team and I wanted to leave with victory as well.

"My bad, Charlie! Can we repeat that?" George shouted back. I nodded and we tried again. We were developing a new strategy as we decided we are not playing nice if the other team won't even try.

"There you go, George! Much better!" I clapped my hands together as my brother hit the Bludger in the right direction. He grinned and gave me a thumbs up. I looked at the stands where Nova was standing with Penny and Tonks.

She looked as if she was about to melt and she hasn't stopped giving me that look ever since she got the letter from the Sanctuary. For me, it was no big deal. I mean, the second I heard they needed a Magizoologist I was there to tell them all about Nova and her accomplishments.

Nova, on the other hand, thought it was the biggest, most important thing anyone has ever done for her and she looked like she fell in love with me all over again. I, of course, didn't mind. I didn't think our relationship could get even better but it somehow did. It felt more relaxed and more filled with emotions as if she was holding back before.

Giving the fact that we didn't know what would become of us once we finish school, I wouldn't blame her if she was holding back. We thought we would have to do long-distance and even though we both agreed to it, we weren't exactly keen on doing so.

But now that we know we are going to either live together or be very close to one another after school, everything changed. She seems happier, she isn't holding back in any regard and she is just pouring all her love on me and I am doing nothing but enjoying it. The feeling, when you know someone loves you unconditionally is pure euphoria.

"Alright team, I think we're ready for today. Go take a break, I'll meet you in the tent!" I flew to Nova and the girls and stopped right in front of them.

"You're drooling, Blackwood." I winked at her and Penny and Tonks giggled.

"Good luck, Charlie!" Penny jumped. "You look prepared."

"Yeah, beat Slytherins for us!" Tonks cheered.

"Mhm, go Gryffindor!" Nova said dreamily, still leaning on her hand, staring at me like I was the most beautiful creature she has ever seen.

"Someone might think you're in love the way you're looking at him." Tonks chuckled and nudged Nova in the ribs.

"Can I get a good luck kiss?" I flew a bit lower and closer to the stands and Nova leaned over and kissed me so passionately that I loosened the grip on my broom for a second.

"Woah, save some for after they win!" Penny laughed as Nova pulled back. I winked at her, she sighed and I flew down to the ground.

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