Chapter 1 - Bill, the Prefect

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A few days after I returned from my aunt from Scotland, I received a letter from Charlie. Pip looked so pleased to see me as I decided to leave him at home since I knew my aunt has plenty of owls I could borrow. I was a little afraid that Pip would be angry with me for that but he looked rather cheerful.

"What are you up to, my little feather friend?" I petted his soft head and took the scroll he had tied around his foot.

Dear Nova,

after the last owl your mum sent to mine, Pip decided to stay with us and I can't wait to tell you how funny it was when he tried to befriend Errol since apparently, she is just as awkward at social interactions as she is with delivering letters.

Pip was a very good boy and he kept me company in my room. Ginny wanted him in her room, of course, she said that it's not fair that I get to keep him since she misses you more and that I have you for the entire school year.

I am sending him back now, as your mum wrote in the previous letter that you might be back soon. She and my mum also made arrangements for the picnic next week since your dad has a few days off.

Oh, and Bill and Ginny wanted to let you know that they are saying hello.

Can't wait to see you next week!

Love, Charlie

I folded the parchment and looked at Pip who hooted proudly. He was spending time at the Burrow, while I was at my aunt's.

"Lucky bloke." I showed him my tongue and he seemed even more amused now.

I gave him some food and rushed down the stairs to tell my mum about the picnic.

"Mum! Mum!"

"In the living room, sweetheart!" I heard her say.

"Mum, Charlie wrote to me and we are invited to a picnic at the Weasley's next week!" I sat next to her on the sofa.

"I know already, darling. Molly sent me an owl yesterday morning." I frowned. Why was I the last one to know everything?

"Are you excited to see Charlie?" She winked at me.

I couldn't believe her! After 2 years she still didn't give me a break! I never replied to her mocking comments anymore and I acted as if it didn't phase me at all at this point. I was hoping she would stop but if you'd saw her face right now, you would know that she is still amused about her little joke.

"So, how many days did dad get off work?" I changed the topic. She rolled her eyes, giving up on her silly question.

"He is getting 3 days. So I was thinking we could go to the ZOO one day and then spend the other two days at the Weasley's." She brushed my hair with her fingers.

"I miss him so much! I wish he could stay for longer." I bowed my head.

I haven't seen my dad since the beginning of the summer. He came home a day after I arrived from Hogwarts, which was such a surprise and my mum was so happy that she kept it from me. We spent a couple of days together which was not enough, since I needed an entire day just to tell him about my second year at Hogwarts.

Then we had to leave to visit our dull relatives in America and since the trip cost me my quality time with dad I like them even less now.

The last time I saw him was when we went to Greece for a little vacation. Turns out my dad had to look at a temple there that was covered with suspicious runes and I was allowed to look at them with him!

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