Chapter 1 - The Magic of America

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I ended up having a great time with mum in America. I have to give Penny credit – Muggle vacations aren't so bad. I can't remember the last time I spent so much time with my mum. In the morning we went to the beach and then for lunch we tried cooking the Muggle way which usually ended in disaster and us laughing. In the evening we went for a stroll and talked about dad and Quidditch and my O.W.L.s panic as they were approaching too fast.

I also decided to talk to her about Charlie because she kept teasing me, like always, and it didn't amuse me at all since all I had on my mind all summer was Murphy. I told her about his blond hair and blue eyes and how fast he speaks and how enthusiastic he is about Quidditch. Then I told her about Penny and Andre and Tulip's crush on Jae.

I couldn't believe how fun it was talking about these things to her and even though I missed my friends, I wouldn't trade this summer for anything in the world.

This year, along with my list of books and things I would require for my fifth year, another letter came. I knew immediately what it was about and I squealed so loudly in my room that mum ran upstairs to see what was going on.

She was a Prefect as well and she knew what was inside the envelope when I swung it around. I got up and we opened it together, standing in the middle of my room.

"Mum, they picked me! I'm a Prefect!" I started jumping up and down, hugging my mum as she started jumping with me.

"Oh, sweetheart! I knew you would become a Prefect." She cupped my face. "Dad would be so proud." She gave me a tight hug and then left me to write a letter to Charlie. This was the first time she didn't make her smug face when I mentioned him. Admitting that I fancied Murphy did the trick.

It wasn't even a day when Pip came back with Charlie's response.

Me too!

Was all that he wrote back and I couldn't help but be excited going to the Prefect's meeting on the train with him. Besides us, Andre and Penny became Prefects as well. As it would be any doubt that miss Potions wasn't going to be a Prefect.

Bill wrote to me a few days later and I couldn't help but chuckle at his letter.

Dear Nova,

Charlie was so excited when he found out that you were picked as a Prefect beside him that he completely forgot to tell you that I was made Head Boy. I am in charge of you two now, haha!

I'm joking, we all miss you very much! I hope you're having a great summer!

But seriously, I am keeping an eye on both of you!

Love, Bill

The summer was ending and it was time to go to Diagon Alley. We met Charlie and his entire family there and Charlie and I couldn't stop laughing about how we will mess with Tulip, Tonks, and Jae when they tell us something bad that they did and we'll be able to put them in detention.

Mum allowed me to go and stay with the Weasleys for my last week since she would have to go to work in a couple of days anyway.

I couldn't believe Fred and George when I saw them. They were almost taller than me! Even Charlie, who was always almost the same height as me, was now a head taller than I was, and did he get more muscular, or was he always so well built?

Ginny, now 7, was so happy to see me that she almost started crying and I had to let Charlie down easily because I wanted to spend as much time with her that week. At first, he was grumpy about it but understood that spending a whole school year together was enough compared to Ginny, who had me only for a week.

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