Chapter 3 - Sneaking and Snogging

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I still regret the fight I had with Nova in the Forest even though it happened weeks ago. I asked her to be alone for a couple of days because I knew I have to sort some things out for myself.

I don't know what happened that I just snapped but I can't bear to see anything bad happening to her. In the end, I realized that it all had to do with us having less than a year together before she goes Merlin knows where and I finally get my job in Romania full-time.

The thought of not being with her was tearing me apart every day but I knew she would rather break up with me than see me go with her and let my dream die. I appreciated the fact that she wanted me to put my job above everything else but when it comes to her, I just can't do that. I love her too much and I would do anything to stay with her after we finish school.

It was November and so far we either avoided the talk or got in a fight about it. We both knew the answer to what would happen when the summer ends and that's why we didn't want to discuss it. We wanted to enjoy every moment we could get together.

It was Wednesday, meaning I would be leaving for Romania in a couple of days. I was usually there from Friday to Sunday every week. I owled Nova early in the morning as we only had classes in the afternoon and I wanted to spend as much time with her as possible.

I went to the seventh floor and stood in front of the Room of Requirement. I made the cabin I imagined for our first date as I knew it was Nova's favorite and waited for her inside.

"Char?" She opened the door. She was so cute when she was still sleepy.

"Care for some breakfast?" I stood up from the armchair and walked to her.

"Not hungry, but you can eat if you want." She smiled and kissed me. I dreamt of her lips every weekend when I was away – they were perfect.

"So, what's the occasion?" She sat down in the chair now.

"I'm leaving tomorrow evening," I said with a raised eyebrow. I knew she was being sarcastic. She sighed.

"I know, love." I kneeled next to her and she got closer to me on the floor, took out her wand, and started a fire in the fireplace.

"I wanted to talk about something," I said gently.

"Please tell me this isn't about what I think it's about." She tried pulling away from me but I didn't let her.

"We have to, Nova." I kissed her shoulder. "We have been avoiding it for 7 months."

"There's a reason for that, Char." Her voice was harsh.

"Look, we don't want to talk about it because we think we know what will happen." I started. "What if it doesn't have to be that way?" She turned in my arms to look at me.

"What do you mean?" She asked hopefully.

"I know you want to go to America and I fully support you but that doesn't mean we have to break up." The last two words broke something inside of me. I couldn't even think about it.

"You're thinking of long-distance?" Her eyes went from sad to shining.

"What do you think about that?" I asked and pressed my lips on hers.

"How would we see each other?" She started thinking about it. "It's too far to apparate."

"Portkeys?" I suggested. "I would fly on a broom just to spend a few hours with you," I whispered in her ear.

"Are you mad, Charlie!" She chuckled. "Do you know how much your arse would hurt!" We both laughed.

"I know it would but it wouldn't matter if I get to see you laugh as you did now." She put her hands around my neck and kissed me. She did it every time I got too cheesy for her taste.

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