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"Did you hear me? I'm pregnant," Wendy Case brought her voice up another octave and waved her hand in my face. I could hear her perfectly fine, what I couldn't hear was the voice of Ashton Kutcher and the hidden cameras. She stared at me for a minute, searching my face for some kind of emotion, I had none. Samcro had wrung me dry of any feeling, any surprises, and that was without my old man telling me anything. I had been chewed up and spit out like last night's meatloaf, stepped on like dry old gum. And to add a cherry on top, my old man's ex-wife is telling me she's pregnant. Perfect.

As if blessing me with his mother's presence wasn't satisfactory, he had to bring his junky ex-wife back into the mix. "Congratulations," I said coolly. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise, I didn't have time to talk to her so I simply got up from where I was sitting. She followed me around the house trying to box me in, "Ell, I never meant to hurt you! It's just Jax and me..." she drifted off trying to piece together the right words.

"What? You and Jax have history? Chemistry? A love for humiliating the people around you?" I snapped at her and I saw her step back. I knew it wasn't all her doing, Wendy and Jax's marriage made hell look like a getaway, at least that's what I was told, this had Queen Gemma written all over it. Couldn't handle the fact that her son married someone she couldn't control and couldn't read.

"Face it, you and Jax weren't ever going to work out?"

I chuckled dryly at her attempt to justify the situation, "what is up with you white people? Y'all walk around selling guns, killing people, you have live-in prostitutes, but you stick your noses up in everyone else's business. I mean you were a heroin addict and he wasn't, and somehow you were married. The only visible difference I have with that man is my skin, and last I checked that never stopped us before."

"This has nothing to do with your skin!" she scoffed, "why would you even say that?"

I rolled my eyes, "sorry, I guess repeated treatment makes me snappy."

No one in Samcro was outwardly racist, but the way they spoke about other gangs and how they spoke in general always put a bad taste in my mouth. Jax was always protective of me though, never let someone call me outside my name, and made sure everyone knew it. The only fights I've actually been in were with a croweater, Tig, and Piney.

The croweater was some nameless gash who was always trying to rile me up. I ended up getting in a fight that caused Jax to pay a hefty price for window reconstruction. Tig and I never had any disdain for each other before, but he called me a bed wench while he was fighting with Jax. I had enough of Samcro that day so I started to beat him with my purse. Needless to say, I never heard another word from him ever again.

Piney never said anything directly towards me, in fact, this only happened yesterday. He was commenting on Leroy and his crew while I was in the other room eavesdropping. Once the room had cleared I told him off and reminded him about my father, Daniel, who rode along with him and JT.

You would have sworn Piney had seen a ghost as he clutched his oxygen tank in disbelief. I know Leroy was a petty thug who sold drugs to hurt his community but being that I was the only black person within a hundred-mile radius, I took the liberty of shaming him. He apologized sincerely towards me and swore he'd never say it again, I made him also swear that he wouldn't tell Jax that Daniel was my father. He seemed a bit more bothered by that request.

"Look Wendy if you want to be with Jax be my guest. I'm done," I walked into what used to be my shared bedroom with my husband and grabbed my luggage.

"Where are you going to go?" she followed me around the home like a lost puppy. "Far, far away from this crappy town, his overbearing mother, and this sham of a family." I walked into the bathroom to pick up the white pregnancy test that read a positive result.

"Awesome," I looked down at the test in my hand and wrapped it in toilet paper before stuffing it in my bag. Wendy noticed it and her mouth dropped, "you're pregnant too! Oh my gosh, Jax is going to be so-"

I cornered her into the bathroom wall, "Jax will not be anything because he doesn't need to know. None of you need to know about me ever again! I'm done with the lies, the women, his mother, and Samcro!" I shoved my way past her and plopped the divorce papers on the dining room table. If he was smart, he'd rub his last two brain cells together and sign the documents.

I made my way to the door with my belongings and threw my copy of the key at Wendy, "here. Home sweet home." I didn't let her say anything else before I slammed the door behind me. I threw my things into my car and revved up the engine leaving behind my joke of a marriage.

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