"The Big Illusion"

Start from the beginning

Lamiroir expression suddenly lit up with realization, apollo was quick to act on it


'I... have just remembered something]

the judge motioned for her to speak

'Do tell!'

'When I heard the noise... the gunshots, yes? It startled me, so I...'

Apollo narrowed his eyes

'So you...?'

'I stopped singing'

the judge blinked


'I forgot the words I was supposed to sing!!'

"The song... stopped!?"

'Thankfully, it was the very beginning of the second verse. So not many would notice'

Klavier then looked at apollo

'Forehead! That mixing board I lent you! Where is it?'

'The mixing... huh?'

trucy nudged him lightly

'That machine, Apollo! The one that breaks music into tracks!'

'Oh, this! I'd completely forgotten about it... Let's take a listen!'

he started up the music that played throughout the courthouse, apollo followed the lyrics on the sheet as they listened to lamiror voice

'The song does stop there!'

he said, the judge seemed to be in a daze somewhat

'It does? I must have missed it...'

'Look at the lyrics sheet, at the top of the second verse. See where it says "Pleasure, Pleasure..."? Now listen again!'

he played it again for the court

When you stole away the keys
my heart held on to so tight. Pleasure...
But a fleeting melody

the judge nodded slowly

'...This is evidence indeed! I believe we are guilty of making a terrible mistake'

'The crime didn't happen during the third set. It happened during the second, during Lamiroir's ballad'

'If that is true... ...then no one on stage during the second set could have been the shooter!'

'Which means that Daryan Crescend could have done it! He wasn't on stage for the second set!'

apollo glanced over at klavier, he seemed to be deep in thought as he kept snapping his fingers in a rythm

'Well, Prosecutor Gavin?'

Klavier looked up at him, his own shimmering light blue eyes staring into apollo's beautiful brown hazelnut eyes


apollo stared at him in his face as he flipped his blonde hair back

'I don't believe I've ever seen a trial turned around quite so thoroughly. ...Yet one problem remains;

'What's that, Prosecutor Gavin?'

the judge asked

'Herr Forehead's theory does have a certain kind of logic to it. Yet it is entirely based upon Lamiroir's testimony'

'Yes? Is there a problem with that?'

'Well, it's quite simple, though it pains me to say it. What if she is lying to protect the defendant?'

Apollo semi-glared

'But you have no proof...!'

it was a weak argument but it was all he could think of, klavier simply shrugged

'All I'm saying is that the truth is as yet unclear. ...Until we hear directly from the man himself'

'The man... you don't mean!?'

he nodded grimly, though he kept on a grin, apollo could see in his eyes he was very much torn up about this

'...Yes. Though he is a friend, and band member, Daryan Crescend must take the stand. I see no other way'

'As... someone with a new perspective on the case?'

Klavier hesitated only for a second before he spoke

'...As a suspect, to be frank'

"...Finally! The rat's coming out of his hole! And I'm ready to catch him! Daryan Crescend, get ready for Justice!"

he thought to himself, but he also couldn't help feel a little bad for Klavier either, ..must feel horrible to have your friend be a murderer, the judge was in deep thought

'This is as good a time as any to pause for a brief recess. The prosecution will summon the witness. Have him here and ready by the time we begin'

'...I'm the last man who needs to be reminded of what his duties are'

klavier said plainly, the judge nodded in agreement

'Very well, court is adjourned for a fifteen-minute recess!'

he announced as he banged down his gavel to start to recess

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