"Klavier At Wits Ends"

Start from the beginning

'Oh? Yet there was nothing at the scene that could be called a "switch". Save the lights''

'True, there wasn't a switch at the scene. But, it just so happens... I have a "switch" right here'

he said as he took it out from his bag, presenting it to the court

'That certainly does look like a switch, doesn't it'

the judge said, apollo placed it gently on the bench

'The problem is... ...this was found not at the scene of the crime, but on the stage'

the judge raised a brow 

'The stage...?'

'Where the concert was held, yes. This was found hidden there!'

'On the stage...'

klavier mumbled

'Are you claiming that the voice Lamiroir heard... ...was of someone commanding another to press this switch?'

the judge said, apollo nodded once

'...It's a possibility'

as the court started to murmer, klavier quickly yelled out

'OBJECTION!!, Oh, Herr Forehead? I'd call that an "impossibility"'

Apollo semi-glared at him


'It's hardly necessary for me to remind the court of the layout of the concert forum. The stage is quite far from Lamiroir's dressing room. Not to mention that the Gavinners were in the middle of a concert on said stage. We aren't known for being a quiet band. You could shout all you wanted and not be heard'

Lamiroir nodded in agreement relucantly 

'The detective's voice was loud... but certainly not a shout'

'So, too, have Herr Forehead's cries of "possibility" fallen far short of being heard...'

Apollo hmphed as he crossed his arms

'...Sorry, but he wouldn't have needed to shout'

Klavier raised a brow at him now

'...Excuse me?'

apollo gave him a sharp glare

'You heard what I said. Or... do you need me to shout it out for you? It would have been quite simple to be heard on the stage from that dressing room. Oh, wait, you like evidence don't you? How about this! Using this, it would be easy to get a message to someone on stage from the dressing room'

he then took the headset from his bag

'Prosecutor Gavin. Perhaps you're familiar with this?'

he said, he almost grinned in stratification seeing the look on Klavier's face

'! Wh-Why that's...'

the judge finished the sentence for him

'What? What is it!? Is that some kind of new-fangled phone they invented while I wasn't looking!?'

apollo blinked at the judge before he spoke

'This is a type of transmitter. A communications device'

'Communications? Device?'

'From what I've heard, that night... ...everyone on stage was wearing one of these. Isn't that right, Prosecutor Gavin?'

Klavier frowned as he tried to collect his words

'Ah, yes, actually. They're for talking between band members. We all had one on'

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