Pictures I could look back on and remember when times were good. Pictures that helped me hold onto hope But that's it that's all they are now , memories and this time I don't want to remember them anymore. Ready to forget and move on so it's time to throw these out.

One by one I took down each Polaroid , not looking at any  one of them for more than 5 seconds , so the memories wouldn't hit me. Just want to get all of these off my wall and into the garbage can. I sped up my pace until  I suddenly slowed down when I came across one picture..

It was us when we were in the 5th grade at an amusement park that our parents took us to. We always had little trips like that . We had face paintings on and our faces were squished together , we were smiling and our arms were wrapped tight around eachother.

The next picture was of us asleep in the car that day , my head was on Xolos chest and his head was resting on the top of mine. We were both looking like we were drooling with our mouths open.

Tears slowly filled my eyes as I continued gazing at those pics, remembering that day so vividly. that was such a fun day , one of my favorite memories when times were easier and also a time when I started to develop a little crush on him..

I really miss those times. I Can't believe I've known this boy so long and he's just not here anymore .. I quickly tried to snap myself out it because I don't wanna cry. So I held back my tears , I looked up at my wall to grab more pictures but my eyes started traveling through all of them... every picture I saw was of him ,of us ,of him ,of us -  he's everywhere on this wall but he's nowhere.. I felt an overwhelming wave of memories start to hit me and the tears I tried to hold back started streaming down my face.

God I'm so dramatic - why am I still crying - over taking some pictures down really Jules ?! He wasn't even my boyfriend , just bestfriend. Why do I feel this much about a bestfriend.. I'm so stupid it's been so long . I hate this - I should be over this by now , all these thoughts ran through my head as I continued to cry.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard rapid knocking at the door. My mom is still at work who could it be ? ..  um okay - I don't want anyone to see me like this so I quickly tried to compose myself and wiped up all of my tears with the sleeve of my sweater . I took a deep breath as I went down the stairs.

I took one last breath before opening the door. Everything's fine. But I wonder who it is ,Im not expecting anyone so I assume it's like a UPS guy wanting me to sign a package or something

As soon as I opened the door , I looked up to meet   eyes with - Xolo ?... I felt my heart  drop to my stomach  in that very moment and I froze in my tracks , I couldn't say a word ... am I seeing things ? Is Xolo actually here ? He hasn't been here in 2 years and last time I checked he hates me .. I searched his eyes in confusion, His eyes staring  right back into mine.

There was complete silence, all we had was eye contact ..he looks anxious as if something had just happened . I swear if he's here to yell at me again.

"Um - Hi Jules I -" he tried to break the silence as he looked down at me.

"Look - If you're here to yell at me , you can save it.  Because I swear if I have to stand here and listen to you go off on me one more time ,  starting this whole drama  back up again , so help me God  because -I am so tired of this whole situation already- I don't know what your  girlfriend told you I did this time but I didn't do anything. So if you're here to curse me out , say you don't want me in your life - whatever the fuck else just like  the last time you showed up here  . I got the point already - you've made it extremely clear to me so you can just leave and we can go our separate ways , that sums up everything you wanna say now doesn't it Xolo?" I cut him off before he could say anything else because I already knew that's where it's going to go so I did him the favor of skipping to it, now I can go back to my forgetting and healing and he can go back to his girlfriend who he is so in love with.

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