Hold up. Just now...... What did he just say?

With question marks continuously popping out of my head, I asked,

"Umm... I couldn't hear that quite well. May I request Your Highness to repeat what he lastly uttered?"

"Like I said, you fainted because of this face, right? Th~is ~ fa~ce.", he answered while boldly displaying different, weird poses with his face exhibited as the main attention.

I remained silent, frozen still and smiling in a way like I've surrendered myself into something I wasn't supposed to know in this world.

Ah... I see. I see... I get it now.

Who would actually believe it? My first love, who got me killed because of the betrayal that I've done to him, Noah Wilde Zeid Asquith in his childhood or days of puberty-

Used to be such a Narcissistic person!!!

Oh, Holy Molly F*cking Sh*t. I'd seriously like to ask God what in the actual f*ck this is.

A human's character development sure is a mystery. And the person right before my eyes at present proved that the most.

But in the first place, even if I secretly bore feelings of admiration toward Noah, I didn't know much about him either since we hung out less in the past. So perhaps, without my knowledge, he's always been that kind of person all this time.

But I wonder what is this about...? The strange mixed emotions such as irksomeness and disappointment that presently swirls around my chest......

"C-come to think of it, I haven't made my introductions yet, have I?", I changed the flow of the discussion as I feigned ignorance to the last statement that reached my ears.

I placed the palm of my left hand over my chest and made a small bow to pay my respect.

"I am Melissa Ernel von Shevaria. As Your Highness may have heard from the rumors, I am the adopted young lady of the renowned Shevaria Ducal Household. It is a pleasure to meet you."

"You said you've come for a formal introduction, but you haven't told me the most important part yet.", he said, being direct to the point in terms of the unmentioned facts to clear my objective.

"I apologize about that, Your Highness. To summarize my business, one can say that I am assigned to be Your Highness' playmate from today, under His Majesty, the Emperor's orders."



The juvenile took another sip of the milk tea on his cup and muttered as soon as he placed it down the table with a peculiar demeanor,

"So that's how you make your move now."

Although he spoke of those words with a whispering voice of a kind, it wasn't that low to the point that I wouldn't get the chance to perceive it.

Most likely, the Crowned Prince was talking about his own father. Based from his reaction and from the clues that were left by the Emperor through his words on our last meeting, it turned out to be very obvious to learn how they were at odds when it came to the matter.

However, to me, this gave a very good opportunity for myself to gather a credible excuse so I could break free from the chains that were placed upon me, due to their circumstances. To add up, if I ever do well, I could be given of a chance to bid an eternal goodbye from my risky and half-uncomfortable gatherings with Noah. Thus, I helplessly made a tiny smirk as soon as the idea crossed my mind.

"Excuse me? Are you still there? I know, I'm too stunning for your eyes to take, but don't swoon over me again, okay?", the young man asked with another narcissistic remark, all because of his misunderstanding from when I fainted the first time we met, in this timeline.

"Please pardon my rudeness. Where were we again?"

"I'm telling you; I don't need any playmates. Don't tell me you were pretending to be in a daze earlier just to evade the issue in hand?"

"How dare I to do such an ill-mannered thing before Your Highness' presence? Furthermore, I'm afraid, I can't just draw back from my duty as easily.", I composedly proceeded along with a very simple, hidden intention.

He sighed whist of wearing a troubled kind of face after hearing my phrase.

"Is it because you need fathe- His Imperial Majesty's approval?", he guessed correctly and continued after the brief silence that embraced the whole room.

"I'll try with the utmost of my abilities to handle that, so please leave for now and wait for news to arrive back at your residence. I still have another business to take care of this afternoon, after all.", he sorted things out at ease.

For some reason, contentment filled my heart in an instant, in addition to the feeling of relief that it became a fifty-fifty whether I could be released from the approaching chaos or not. Thanks to that, I couldn't bear to hide my joy for a single second that I ended up jumping from my seat and made a stand with a frivolous expression.

"Well then-!!", Such cheerful, loud words followed.

And realizing this soon enough, I hurriedly settled myself down and replaced the manner of speech that I've unconsciously revealed with a more refined one.

"Ahem! I shall take upon your offer without reservation. And since things seem to have been settled already, I would now like to excuse myself from this meeting."

"Y-you have my permission.", replied, the surprised Prince, all because of my strange changes of behavior that shows up so abruptly.

That way, our encounter safely concluded without any major problems, compared to the previous, disastrous, first meeting that occurred between the two of us.

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon