Chapter 17

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A/n: we're going to age down Hawks a bit so he's like 19 here, thank youuu

We all got ready for school and went down for breakfast.
"Good morning guys" mum smiled and passed us plates.

"Good morning guys" mum smiled and passed us plates

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"Thanks ma" Mina smiled and we all made our plates.
"So what we are going to be doing today?" I looked over at dad
"We're going to be looking at your internships" dad finished his coffee "I have a meeting so I'm going early" he kissed mum's cheek then my forehead "see you later" he petted Noire and left.

We listened to the front door shut.
"So what's going on with you two?" Mum crossed her arms and leaned on the island
"Who?" I asked
"You and Katsuki"
"They're ignoring each other" Midoriya laughed
"Why?" Mum chuckled
"He started it" I finished eating
"How?" Mum asked
"He uh-"
"She was teasing him and he got mad" Mina laughed.
"Oh wow, well have fun I guess" mum stood up "I'm off from work so I'll see you after school" mum kissed my cheek "call me if anything happens"
"I will" I smiled as she left the kitchen.

We all got our things and headed outside. I sat in the driving seat with Mina in the passenger seat. The boys got comfortable in the back.
"Mina do you know who has been looking fine af lately" I said
"Who?" Mina looked over at me
"Nanami" I swooned
"Like from the-"
"Yeah him"
"That man is so fine"
"Righttt, and Gojo and Geto"
"I KNOW RIGHTTT" I laughed.
"Y/n you need to choose your next words very carefully" Todoroki said
"We're talking about Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen" I said
"Oh..." Midoriya said "I thought you went crazy, talking about about some random like that"
"He's not some random, he's-"
"Y/n I'm not scared of killing us all in here right now if you continue" Todoroki growled
"Ok damn" I laughed and pulled into the school parking lot.

I parked and we all got out. Loads of people were pointing and staring at me. I looked down at my uniform and everything was fine. I heard heavy breathing directly behind me and quickly span around. Jay was standing there staring down at me.
"Um do you need something?" I asked
"You got me expelled" he huffed
"You tried to assault me, you did it to yourself" I laughed
"Why are you laughing whore" he put his hand up to strike me. I didn't flinch and stared at him. He stopped and instantly regretted his actions.
"W-wait" he put up his hands and stepped back
"No, what were you doing to do before" I took off my bag.
"Y/n please" he started stepping back
"No tell me, were you about to hit me?" I followed him.
"I-I" he hit the wall
"Speak tf up" I stared into his soul. His trousers instantly started getting wet as a puddle of yellow liquid formed around him "did you just-"
"Its not my fault" he ran away.

I shrugged and picked up my bag again. I walked back to my class. I opened the door and everyone looked at me.
"What happened?" Dad asked
"He pissed himself" I walked over to my seat
"Huh?" The class asked
"He urinated on himself" I sat down
"That's my girl" Bakugou laughed. He looked over at me and his smile faded
"HA I WIN" I celebrated.
"Tsk whatever" Bakugou scoffed.

The bell rang and dad walked to the front. He explained the internships and handed out everyone's request sheets and options. I scanned through my stalk of agencies.
"Ooo Hawks requested me" I smiled. Todoroki quickly snatched the papers and Midoriya and Bakugou came running over. They looked through the names while I waited.
"Why are all the young heroes requesting you?" Bakugou looked over at me.
"Um to work with me" I said
"I bet they're trying to-"

The door opened and Hawks walked in.
"Hawks what are you doing here?" Dad walked over to him
"Y/n dropped this last night" he walked over to me and handed me a hair band.
"She doesn't even use those hair bands" dad said
"Probably, I just wanted an excuse to see you again" he smiled at me. The class jolted to look over at me "you look beautiful today, so how are you now?" He leaned down to be closer
"Thank you, I'm fine, it-"
"Don't you have something else to be doing?" Todoroki growled
"Aren't you three the boys who cheated on her?" Hawks stood straight and glared at them.
"It wasn't like-"
"Mhmm sure" Hawks looked them up and down "I have to go but I'll see you later" he smirked at me
"Ok bye" I smiled. He walked over to the door and winked at me before he closed the door behind him.

The class was completely silent.
"OK Y/N, PULLING HEROS" Mina got up and started walking over to me
"AS I SHOULD" I walked over to her and we hugged.
"Are you crazy?" Dad ripped me off of her
"No..." I looked up at him
"Y/n if you even THINK about seeing him again I will end you"
"I know, I won't"
"Y/n he is a grown man"
"He's like 19"
"That's 3 years-"
"Y/n don't play with me"
"I'm not going to do anything, I have boyfriends" I turned around and they were staring at me "before you attempt murder try to put yourself in his shoes"
"How tf would that be better?" Midoriya snapped.
"I don't know, I'm just trying to help" I laughed and sat down.
"So you're telling me" Sero said "Y/n is so unbelievably attractive that she pulled Hawks, THE HERO HAWKS"
"Yeah" Mina nodded
"OK N/N I SEE YOU" Kirishima laughed.

Eventually the class went back to focusing on the requests. I felt like I was being watched and looked at Todoroki staring at me.
"You alright?" I asked
"Y/n listen to me" he took my hands on his "I'll roast that chicken if he flirts with you again" he stared into my eyes "you're mine and you always will be, do you understand?"
"Great now let's pick an agency" he said.
"You guys can talk about it for the rest of the day, go home and talk to your parents about it give me the responses tomorrow" dad walked over to me "so who were you thinking?"
"I'm not sure to be honest, I don't know what I want to improve in, do you have any ideas?"
"As much as I don't want you to go, like I really really don't want you to go, I think you should consider going to Hawk's agency, he's a good hero and he'll help you with handling your um anger"
"Ok I'll-"
"NO" Todoroki interrupted
"Todoroki I know you don't want her to be around him but this is about her future" dad said
"I knoww" Todoroki whined "fine then, my bad"
"I'll talk to ma about it" I said
"Ok I'm tired so I'm taking a nap" dad walked over to the front and fell asleep in a sleeping bag. We all smiled and continued talking happily.

Shigaraki's POV

Y/n sat in class, smiling and talking to her peers.
"Is she really worth all of this?" Dabi asked
"Yes, she will be mine" I smirked "I promise you..."

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