Chapter 3

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I woke up in a cold sweat. I had a nightmare about a strange man and I was shaken up. I looked around my room and there was no water. I rolled out of bed and crept downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen avoiding the light switches. I grabbed a chilled bottle of water and chugged it down.
"What is wrong with you?" Mum said from the door scaring me.
"Huh?" I asked as she switched on the lights.
"Why are you chugging water in the dark at 4am?" She laughed "I thought you were an intruder"
"If I was an intruder what would you have done?" I sat on the island.
"This, watch" she walked over to me "SHOTA HELP THERE'S SOMEONE IN THE HOUSE" she cried.

Dad ran into the room in a matter of seconds. His hair was risen and his eyes were red.
"Where?" He got ready for a fight.
"You took 3 seconds to get here" I laughed.
"So there's no intruder?" He asked
"Nope" mum laughed.
"Wow, don't do that shit again" he deactivated his quirk and walked over to us and stood in front of me "Y/n I'm so sorry, I didn't know that was what they were going to do" he held my hands.
"It's fine, don't worry about it" I smiled.
"Good" he hugged me "I was going to buy a new firearm to convince you but I guess I don't need to anymore"
"Oh I'm still gonna need the gun" I pulled back.
"Of course" he smiled

"So why are you even awake Y/n?" Mum asked "was it the nightmares again?" I nodded
"What nightmares?" Dad asked getting water from the fridge.
"I keep on having nightmares about this man" I said
"What does he look like?" Dad asked
"He's kinda pale and he has blue hair and he has like a hand over his face and on his shoulders going down his arms" I explained. Dad's eyes widened. "What?" I asked
"What does this man do exactly?" He asked leaning forward
"It's always the same thing, he just stares at me while I sleep" I said
"Oh wow"
"Why? Do you know him?"
"You just describe a villain that I'm looking for"
"That's weird"
"Yeah so if you see him whatever you do run"
"Why what's his quirk?"
"He can turn anything to ashes with a single touch"
"Wow that's perfect for him"
"Yeah but don't worry about it, let's get back to bed" dad said. We all left the kitchen and went back to bed. I continued thinking about the villain until I finally fell back to sleep.

I woke up to my alarm going off. Noire was still fast asleep next to my bed. I petted him then got ready for school. Mum left my uniform in my wardrobe so I put it on after showering. The skirt was kinda short but it was bearable. I finished getting ready and quickly looked at my braids. I was planning on taking them out today so I set up my vanity for when I get back home.

I grabbed my stuff and headed downstairs.
"Good morning n/n" dad smiled making breakfast
"Morning" I sat on the island "so when are you going to bring all your stuff over here?"
"Probably in a few days" he handed me a plate of breakfast "what are you doing this weekend?" He made himself a plate.
"I was going to go to the mall with my friends" I said
"Have you asked your mum?"
"When were you going to?"
"Oh ok well she'll probably let you go" we sat down at the table and started eating.

"Good morning" mum came down in her office wear. She kissed both our cheeks then got herself some food.
"Can I go to the mall with my friends this weekend?" I asked
"Ask your dad" mum said
"I already did and he said asked you"
"Then sure you can go" she said. Noire came into the kitchen. I quickly poured him a bowl of food then finished mine.
"Should I drive you to school n/n?" Dad asked
"I'm heading to the office right now so could you give me a ride too?" Mum asked.
"Sure let's go" I said. Noire was completely capable of being left alone at home as he doubled as a guard dog.

We said our goodbyes to him then left the house.
"Let's take my car" I said
"Alright" dad agreed and I passed my keys to him. We got in and drove out of the driveway. Dad started driving towards mum's office. It wasn't far away but it was in the more secluded side of town. We stopped at the traffic lights. I had my headphones in looking out my window with it a little rolled down to let in breeze.
"OMG ITS HIM" I shouted
"Who?" My parents turned around.
"HIM" I pointed at the villain from my dreams. He heard my screaming and turned around. We made eye contact and he start blotting down the street.
"GET BACK HERE" I shrugged off my bag and blazer. I grabbed my phone and got out of the car and started chasing him.
"Y/N WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?" Dad shouted driving next to me.
"I'M GETTING HIM, I'LL BE FINE, SEE YOU AT SCHOOL" I chased him down an alleyway.

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