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(Not on the same timeline atm)


I spent the entire night staring at my bedroom door the night Casey moved out. With my phone resting on the nightstand and my knees to my chest as I waited for her to come back. I knew she wasn't coming but it didn't hurt to dream. I knew the next few weeks would be my hardest. 

I hadn't told Rai about our breakup and yet he found out and punished me for not telling him. I was wondering if I tell him that she was no longer my neighbor. But that probably wouldn't end well, he'd probably surprise me the next day saying he was going to be my new neighbor. Adding that onto his constant threats and abuse, I don't think I could handle it.

April 1st, I proceeded to avoid my best friends. I ignored their calls and even acted like I didn't care. April 2nd, I stopped eating whole meals. I was eating protein bars and salad before, but now I had completely lost my appetite. 

Days passed by so slowly for me. Seeing Casey at school and not being able to see her at home was taking a huge toll on my mental health. I hadn't noticed I depended on her for so much until she was no longer around. The only thing surrounding me was my fear to speak out from the abuse I was receiving from Rai.

The night I tried to have some form of normalcy and went out with Thomas and his boyfriend Vincent, Rai physically made it clear that I wasn't allowed to hang around any guys because he was the only 'man' for me. But using cheap threats and abusing me didn't make him a man. He was using fear to control me.

Bruises were coating my body like an extra layer of skin. I had to wear jeans and long sleeves school and anywhere in public. Casey was what I considered my safe place along with Emily's house. But Casey was gone and I was avoiding the blonde in fear Rai would harm her or her family.

Everything was weighing on me. Casey's safety. Emily and her family's safety. My friends' safety. Protecting my career and job. I was crumbling. And I had successfully managed to push everyone that I needed away. 

I wasn't going to last the rest of the month.

- - - - -

"I have great news to discuss with you, which is why I suggested this restaurant. You are going to love it!" Rai smiled opening the door for me. His other hand rested on the small of my back, causing my skin to crawl. I force a smile as I enter the building. I didn't have much of a choice. We walk towards the receptionist. 

"I have a reservation. Rai Rossen" Rai's deep voice brings me from my thoughts. The waiter eyes me, noticing how out of place I felt. He nodded his head, grabbing two menus and guiding us to a circular table next to the window facing the street. Rai pulls my chair out, his eyes forcing me to take my seat. I do. 

He walks to the other side of the table taking his seat. "Your waiter will be with you in just a minute" the man spoke before parting ways with us. I let out a breath, my eyes taking in my surroundings. This restaurant was the equivalent of the middle-class economy. It was both fancy and yet also very casual.

I swallow the lump in my throat as my eyes land on the menu. I try my hardest to keep my eyes from landing on the dark-haired man in front of me. I couldn't stand looking at him, not when he put his hands on me. He was a very sorry excuse of a man.

"These steaks look spectacular. Much like yourself, my love" his voice hit my eardrums. I rolled my eyes, knowing he wasn't able to see. I try to ignore his weird compliment as I flip the menu over to eye the other side. "Kathryn" he hisses forcing my eyes to him.

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