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I groan in annoyance as I wake with a backache. It was Christmas eve and I knew for a fact that my mother would be spending all day cooking and getting ready for tomorrow. Which meant one of two things for me. Either I could sneak out and enjoy the day by myself or I could be called into the kitchen to help. I shake my head, I definitely didn't want to stay here.

I'm quick to hop into the shower. Once I'm out, I receive a message from Casey. I grin widely as I press the notification. 

'Good morning beautiful. If you're not busy today, I was thinking you and I could go on a date?'

Seems like I would be saved today. I send a text and shut my phone off as I search my closet for an outfit. As I pull my panties up, I get a knock at my door. I sigh and walk over, meeting my brother on the other side. He covers his eyes, "Whoa, you could've at least been dressed before opening the door" he complains.

I roll my eyes, "Josh, I have a towel wrapped around my body. You're not going to see anything." He shrugs his shoulders but doesn't bother to remove his hand from over his eyes. "Well, I was just coming to tell you that we're going to the airport to get Sarah's brother. Did you want to join us?" 

I frown, "Uh, yeah sure. But not to go to the airport. Do you think you can make a detour and drop me off somewhere?" I question, hopeful. The man thinks it over, "Yeah sure. Who are you meeting up with?"

I smile at the thought of getting to spend the day with Casey. "My friend" I reply, feeling guilty once again for calling her my friend. I knew she wasn't but no one else would know. I was proud to call Casey my girlfriend but I just wasn't ready to be chewed out by my family. Josh eventually leaves my room to let me finish getting dressed. 

I grab my phone from the bed and text Casey. Her reply is faster than it was yesterday. 

After I get dressed, I slip my phone into my coat pocket and head into the living room. I spot my mother in the kitchen, as expected. What wasn't expected was my father helping her get things together. When I was younger, my father tried staying out of the kitchen as much as possible. I guess some things do change. 

"Kathy, c'mon we're leaving" Josh grabs my attention. I nod my head and follow him and his wife out the door. As I get into the car, I silently wonder if Sarah had told Josh or anyone about what she had seen last night. But I guess she hadn't since things were quiet for me so far. 

I give Josh the address to Casey's cabin and we pull out of the driveway. The conversation is small and interesting. We talk about things from the past and what we expect the upcoming year to be like. We soon get to the cabin quicker than I expect. "Thanks, Josh seriously," I say as I exit the car. The brunette rolls his window down with a smile. 

I begin walking to the front door when my name is being called. I glance at my brother and approach the car, leaning down to see what he wanted to say. He smiles, "Maybe you should bring your girlfriend over for Christmas tomorrow" he suggests causing me to blush.

So she did tell him. Damn. I open my mouth to defend myself but he stops me. "Before you try to lie and say you don't have one, I guess I should let you know that I'm bisexual. Sarah and I recently got into a polyamorous relationship, so I'm not here to judge you."

Hearing it come from my brother made my heart calm down. I glance into the car and smile towards Sarah. "Does mom know?" I question. The both of them frown, "No, not yet."

I nod my head, "How about this. I invite my girlfriend and you guys invite your boyfriend. If I'm outting myself so are you guys." Josh smiles and bumps his fist against mine. "That's a deal baby sis. Now, we have to go or we'll be late picking up Rai." 

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