
Neither of us could sleep that night, no matter how hard we tried. Have you ever felt like that, where your body and mind is completely awake and refuses to shut down? Instead your mind plays out every worst possible scenario that could ever happen, over and over again as if it was a video on loop.

My body was filled with dread as I thought of what could happen to us. Why did the Alpha want to speak to Cami again? Did he find something on those security tapes? If he knew what we did we would be dead now so it wasn't that. I racked my brain trying to think of what he may have found that required him to speak to Cami again but I came up empty.

As soon as it hit 6am I got out of bed, with no sleep my body felt heavy but there wasn't much I could do about it other than having lots of coffee. With that in mind, I headed over to the kitchen to put the kettle on.

It was still dark outside as I sipped my coffee slowly and my mind wandered to what we had to do today. I would go to the bank when it opened around 9am and cash out the rest of the money before topping up our new phones. It would be a good idea to buy multiples sims just in case we needed them.

"Hey." Cami's soft voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Go back to sleep, we won't be leaving for a few hours."

"I can't sleep." Cami pulled out a mug from the cupboard and started making herself a drink. "I keep thinking about that Alpha."

I let out a sigh as she sat down next to me but didn't say anything. I wasn't sure what to say if I was being honest. I wanted to be reassuring and encouraging but it was hard to do that when all I felt was raw panic and fear. So instead we sat in silent, sipping our coffee and watching the darkness outside the window.

We did everything silently and quickly that morning. Once the bank was open I cashed out the remainder of the money, went to the phone shop and bought some more sims and put our suitcases in the car.

We had forgotten about one thing though, Misty. Cami wanted to bring her along with us but there was no way we could take a cat with us. I loved Misty, I did, but we couldn't take her with us, it wasn't an option.

After arguing back and forth Cami finally agreed and asked one of her college mates if they could keep her for a couple of weeks. Her friend had a cat of her own and was more than happy to take Misty in for a bit. I didn't remind Cami that this wouldn't be for a couple of weeks, we could be gone for a long time.

I was still tempted to leave Cami at our Uncle's house while I tried to figure out who the creep was however the thought of leaving her alone to deal with this didn't sit right with me.

Right now we were on our way to Cornwall. I had checked how long it would take to get there and I was not happy with the result. According to google maps, it would take almost six hours to get there without any breaks. Out of all the places in England Cornwall was one of the places with a low Werewolf population so it was a good option for us.

After a couple of hours of driving, I saw the sign indicating the next services would be a couple of miles away. "Should we stop for a bit and get something to eat or drink?"

"I don't feel that hungry but I wouldn't mind getting a drink."

I nodded and followed the directions to the next service area. Once we arrived there, I parked the car in the car park and looked around. "I see a Greggs and Costa, where do you want to go?"

"Greggs. Now that I think about it, I really want a pastie."

Laughing a little I told Cami to wait in the car while I got us some food. I wasn't hungry but I did want to get a coffee. I preferred Costa for hot drinks over Greggs but Greggs' mochas were really good and one of my favourites.

After I grabbed the food I slowly waddled over to the car, trying my best not to spill the drinks I was holding. Cami opened the door for me when I got in and I handed the bag containing the food over to her. "I know you just wanted a pastie but the doughnuts and cookies looked pretty good so I got some."

Cami didn't answer instead she gave me a frightened look.

"What?" I asked hesitantly as I locked the car door.

"Someone keep ringing me, it's an unknown number."

"Urgh that creep. How did he even get your number? Did you pick up?" I questioned feeling annoyed at the stupid wanker who just wouldn't leave us alone.

"No I didn't, I was too scared."

I was about to respond when her phone started to ring again.

"Is that the same person?" I questioned as I leaned over to grab her phone.

Cami nodded and I accepted the call. "Listen here you stupid twat. Stop calling me and stop calling my sister!"

There was silence on the other end of the phone.

"Sister?" A deep voice that clearly did not belong to the creep filled my ears. I'm sure I had heard his voice before but I couldn't place it. "What's your name?"

"Who are you?" I questioned as I sat up straighter.

"Have a guess."

My eyes widened as I realised where I had heard his voice before.

"Alpha Alessandro."


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

Next chapter will be up in a few days

Thank you to everyone to who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support!

-Kayy xx

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