Chapter 62 - Miserable

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"What took you so long? Was there a late call or something?" Kymber asked as Bobby walked in the door, almost three hours late from work.

"Yeah... About that..." Bobby sighed as he walked over and sat down next to her on the couch.

"Bobby... What happened?" Kymber looked over at him, worried.

"I kinda went to San Diego..." Bobby scrunched up his nose.

"You did what?!" Kymber stood up, "Please tell me you went to see a friend or something."

"I did not." Bobby took a deep breath, "I went to see your parents."

"Oh my god... I bet my dad hates you even more now, right?" Kymber crossed her arms.

"Actually..." Eugene said, standing in the doorway with Misty.

"Mom?... Dad?" Kymber spun around to face them.

"Hi, Kymber." Misty smiled.

"Hi... What are you guys doing here?" Kymber asked as they made their way into the living room.

"Well, Bobby came to talk to us, well, me." Eugene said.

"Wait... Did you just call him Bobby?" Kymber asked in shock.

"I did..." Eugene nodded, "Listen... Kymber... I'm sorry for the way I have been treating the two of you."

"Are you, really?" Kymber rolled her eyes.

"Yes, I am. I really am... Bobby stood up for you... He stood up for himself... And your babies." Eugene said, "He really loves you, Kymber. I'm sorry for not seeing that before."

"I explained how much he was hurting you by not approving of me... I just want to make you happy, and you clearly weren't yesterday. So I had to do something to fix it." Bobby stood up and put his arm around Kymber's waist.

"I'm sorry I treated you like you are still a child... I know that you're a grown adult, but you're always going to be my little girl. I just wanted to protect you... But I see now that I was protecting you from the wrong person." Eugene sighed.

"He means everything to me, dad... But so do you and mom, and to have you dislike him so much, was awful." Kymber said.

"I know. I totally understand." Eugene slumped onto the couch.

"I'm glad he finally sees what I've seen all along." Misty smiled.

"Me too..." Kymber looked down.

"I guess that just leaves one question, sir..." Bobby said as he looked down at Kymber.

"First of all, you can call me Eugene... Second of all, what would that be?" Eugene looked up at Bobby.

"Does this mean you'll come to the wedding?" Bobby asked.

"Of course I will... I wouldn't miss it for the world." Eugene smiled at Kymber, "My little girl is getting married."

"I am." Kymber smiled back at him.

"We are so proud of you, sweetheart. You found a wonderful man and have two wonderful babies." Misty walked over and gave Kymber a hug.

"Thanks, mom." Kymber smirked.

"Also... I hope you don't mind, but I told them they could come a few days earlier than we had initially planned..." Bobby laughed.

"I don't mind." Kymber said.

"We've got to get some grandbaby time! We've only seen pictures... Speaking of the little angels, where are they?" Misty asked, looking around.

"They're in their bassinets in our bedroom." Kymber pointed down the hallway.

"Come on, Eugene! Let's go meet our grandbabies!" Misty said as she hurried off, down the hallway.

"Alright." Eugene let out a slight chuckle before getting up and following her.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you that I was going to see them..." Bobby sighed.

"It's alright... Let me guess, you knew I would have told you not to go?" Kymber looked up at him with a smirk on her face.

"That would be correct." Bobby laughed, "But, in all seriousness. This was something that I really needed to do. I couldn't take it any longer. It was making you miserable."

"I wouldn't say miserable..." Kymber looked down.

"I would." Bobby smirked as he leaned down and kissed her, "I just hope you're not mad at me."

"I was a little bit at first, but now that I know everything is better, I'm not." Kymber smiled.

"Good. Because I don't like when my girl is mad at me." Bobby winked at Kymber, and her face went bright red, just as Eugene and Misty came walking back into the living room with the babies.

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