Chapter 36 - Chariot

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"Today's the day!" Athena said excitedly as she walked through the door to Hen and Karen's house. The past month had gone by in a flash, and it was finally the day of the firefighter's ball.

"Yes it is!" Kymber smiled from the couch.

"Is Maddie here yet?" Athena asked as she placed her dress over the back of the chair.

"Not yet, she said she's on her way, though." Hen said, walking into the living room.

"Should we wait for her? Or start getting ready?" Kymber asked.

"Either way is fine... If you guys want to start getting changed you can." Hen said as she gestured to the hallway, "You can use the bathroom or mine and Karen's room."

"Ok!" Kymber jumped up and ran down the hall to the bedroom.

"Think she knows?" Hen smirked at Athena.

"Not one bit." Athena chuckled.

Knock! Knock!

"Come in!" Hen called.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late." Maddie said as she walked through the door.

"You're not that late. Only a few minutes." Hen said.

"That is true. Where's Kymber?" Maddie asked.

"She's changing." Athena said as Karen walked into the living room.

"Do you think she has any idea?" Karen whispered.

"Nope." Hen smirked.

"How do I look?" Kymber asked as she walked into the living room in her lavender gown.

"Amazing. But you'll look even better once we get our hair and make-up done!" Karen smiled.

"I can't wait." Kymber looked around, "Someone else go get changed! I don't want to be the only one in a pretty dress."

"Alright. I'll go." Athena laughed as she picked up her dress and walked down the hallway.

"Want me to get started on your hair?" Maddie asked as she walked over to Kymber.

"Sure." Kymber smiled.

"What do you think? Will I make Tommy Kinard swoon?" Athena smirked.

"Oh one hundred percent." Hen winked at her, "I'll go get changed. Do you want to come too, Karen?"

"Sure. I need help zipping my dress anyway." Karen said as her and Hen walked down the hallway.

"So what are you thinking for your hair?" Maddie looked at Kymber.

"Uh... I'm not really sure... Maybe half up, half down?" Kymber looked around.

"I think that is perfect." Athena smiled.

"Why is everyone so smiley today?" Kymber looked at Athena confused.

"We're just excited for you to go to your first dance." Maddie said as she plugged in her curling iron.

"Me too. I can't wait... Especially to see Bobby, I bet he is going to look incredible." Kymber smiled.

"But not as incredible as us." Karen said as she jokingly flipped her hair.

"I agree." Maddie laughed, "I'm going to go change, and I will get started on your hair as soon as I'm back."

"Ok!" Kymber smiled.

"Do you want me to do your make up?" Athena asked Kymber.

"Uhh... Yeah. I'd like that. I'm not really good with make up. I've only worn it a handful of times." Kymber shrugged.

"Let me go grab some of my make up." Karen said as she headed down the hallway.

"I have some." Kymber said, reaching into her bag.

"Let me take a look." Athena held out her hands for Kymber's make up bag.

"It's not much." Kymber looked down.

"It will be enough. I'll use your foundation, mascara, and eye liner... But I'll use what Karen has for the rest." Athena smiled.

"Thank you, Athena." Kymber said, "Having everyone help me makes it feel almost like a prom."

"We want to make tonight as special for you as we can." Hen said.


"The guys should be here any minute." Maddie looked down at her phone, "Chimney said they left the station ten minutes ago."

Honk! Honk!

They heard the horn of a fire truck outside. "Did they really bring the fire truck?" Athena rolled her eyes.

"Sure sounds like it." Kymber laughed.

"Those men are something else." Karen smirked.

"They are... But they're definitely something good." Maddie said.

Knock! Knock!

"Well hello, there." Athena smiled as she opened the door. Bobby was standing there in his sleek navy blue uniform, shiny black shoes, and pristine white hat.

"Woah." Kymber said as her jaw dropped.

"I was going to say the same thing to you. Just... Wow." Bobby walked up to Kymber and looked her up and down, "You look absolutely stunning, firefighter Douglass."

"And so do you, Captain Nash." Kymber smirked as he leaned down to kiss her.

"Are you all ready to go?" Bobby looked around at all the women.

"We are!" Karen said as she walked towards the door.

"Your chariot awaits." Bobby laughed as he gestured towards the fire truck.

"I've never seen a chariot quite like this before." Maddie chuckled.

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