Chapter 61 - Decisions

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Knock! Knock!

"Oh! Bobby! What a surprise." Misty said as she opened the front door of their house.

"Hi, Misty... Is... Is Euge... I mean, Mr. Douglass here?" Bobby asked, somewhat nervously.

"He is... Is everything alright? Is it Kymber? The babies?" Misty started to get concerned.

"No. It's nothing about Kymber... Or the twins. They're all fine. This is just something that I needed to talk about." Bobby said.

"Come in." Misty said, stepping out of the way, "Can I get you something to drink?"

"Uh... No. No. I'm fine. Thank you, though." Bobby shook his head.

" this about Eugene not wanting to come to the wedding?" Misty asked quietly.

"It is..." Bobby nodded, looking around, "It's nothing fair. He shouldn't punish her because he doesn't like me."

"I agree... I have tried to talk to him about it... But he won't listen to me." Misty sighed.

"I know. He wouldn't answer my phone calls. That's why I just... Came... I hope it's alright." Bobby looked at her, worried.

"You don't have to worry about that. I will make sure that it's alright. I won't let him attack you, don't worry. I'm on your side with all of this. You did nothing wrong. You are an adult. You didn't leave her. You love her more than anything. There's no reason for him to hate you. I promise, I'm on your side." Misty walked over and gave Bobby a hug.

"Thank you. That really means a lot... And you're right. I do love her. I would never ever even dream of leaving her. She is everything to me." Bobby closed his eyes.

"Misty! Who are you talking to?" Eugene asked as he walked into the living room, "Oh. It's just you."

"It's not 'just me'. It's me. Your future son-in-law, me. The father of your two grandchildren, me. The man who loves your daughter more than any other person in the entire world, me. So don't say it's 'just me'. Because I am way more than that." Bobby went off, Misty and Eugene stared at him with wide eyes, "And I'm sorry if that came off as rude, but you have to know, that no matter what you say, I am still going to marry your daughter. Whether you approve of me or not, because we love each other. You can't change that we love each other."

"Robert." Eugene sighed, "I don't like you. I don't care if you love my daughter or if you are the father of those bastard children. I do not care."

"With all due respect, sir, you're an asshole. Never, and I mean never, do I want to hear you call my children that awful slur ever again. My children were born out of love. It doesn't matter that your daughter and I weren't married when she got pregnant. We still love them more than anything, and you should too." Bobby crossed his arms.

"I love them, Bobby. And I love you." Misty said.

"Misty! Are you serious?" Eugene looked at her.

"What? It's true." Misty looked at him.

"Whatever you feel about me, you shouldn't take this out on Kymber. She loves you and looks up to you. Right now, I don't quite understand why, but I know that she does. She wants you at the wedding, and I do too because I know will make her happy. You shouldn't punish her because you don't like me. I don't think it's right that you don't like me, because I've given you no reason to not like me, but I get that you don't." Bobby said.

"You gave me plenty. You took my daughter from me without any warning. She left for a job and next thing I know she's engaged? How? I don't understand. I never even met you. Why on earth did you think it was alright for you to propose to her?" Eugene huffed.

"Because I love her. That's kind of why someone proposes to someone, in case you didn't know. I also figured since your daughter is an adult that she can make her own decisions. It's not like she's twenty something. She's thirty-seven. She's able to make her own decisions and so am I." Bobby walked up and got into Eugene's face.

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