Chapter 11 - Eyes

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Buzz! Buzz!

Bobby was woken up by the sound of his phone ringing. He rubbed his eyes as he reached over for his phone. "Oh my god! Kymber wake up!" Bobby said as he rolled over to face her.

"What? What happened?" Kymber sat up quickly. Her hair was covering her face.

"It's ten thirty!" Bobby said as he threw the blanket and sheet off of him. He jumped up and began looking around. "Where the hell are my pants?"

"I don't know! Don't you need to get new clothes anyways?" Kymber asked, watching as he picked up his shirt and underwear from the floor.

"Yeah, but I'm not walking back to my apartment in just my underwear!" Bobby said, looking around.

"Just take my robe out of the bathroom." Kymber pointed as she stood up, and walked over to her dresser.

"Thanks." Bobby said as he ran into the bathroom and grabbed the robe. He came out and started tying the robe at his waist. "Are we going to talk about last night?"

"At some point yes. But right now we need to get ready for work." Kymber said, looking down at her phone, "I have thirteen missed calls. All from Hen and Chimney."

"You think that's bad? I had forty-seven when I checked. From everyone." Bobby said as he ran out of the apartment and down the hallway.

"Yikes." Kymber said as she went to the bathroom to brush her hair and her teeth.

"You ready?" Bobby asked, running back into her room with his pants unzipped. Kymber turned to face him as she finished hooking her bra.

"Almost, I just need to put on my work shirt." Kymber said, walking over to the closet, "Oh, and by the way? You might want to zip your pants."

"Yeah, thanks." Bobby said as he looked down.

"Alright. I am ready." Kymber said as she pulled her shirt over her head, "I can put my shoes and socks on in the car."

"Let's go then." Bobby said as he ran out to the car. Kymber was following close behind, holding her shoes in her hands with her backpack dangling from her elbow.

"I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I should have set an alarm." Kymber said, trying to tie her shoe.

"I mean, we both fell asleep after... Well, you know... So it's both of our fault, alright?" Bobby asked as he sped down the street.

"Alright." Kymber looked at him, "What do we tell everyone at work?"

"That there was a power outage in our building and our alarm clocks got reset?" Bobby shook his head, "I really don't know."

"What if they find out?" Kymber asked.

"They won't, ok?" Bobby looked down at his watch.

Buzz! Buzz!

"It's Hen... I've got to answer." Bobby said as he looked down at his phone.

"Bobby! Thank god you finally answered! We were getting worried about you." Hen said.

"I know, Hen. I'm sorry for worrying you guys." Bobby said.

"It's even worse, cap. Kymber isn't here either." Hen said in a worried tone.

"I know she's not. She's with me." Bobby said.

"Why is she with you?" Hen asked.

"The last call I got woke me up, and I realized that the power must've gone out in our building last night. My alarm clock got reset. So I went to see if Kymber was still there, and sure enough, she was. So I brought her with me." Bobby said.

"Uh huh... Sure... You're just lucky that we haven't gotten any calls yet." Hen said.

"We will be there soon, alright?" Bobby said.

"Alright..." Hen sighed.

"Yeah... I don't think she bought it." Bobby said as he hung up the phone.

"Why not?" Kymber looked at him worried.

"Just a feeling." Bobby said as he pulled into a spot next to the fire house, "Nothing happened last night, got it?"

"Got it." Kymber smirked as she got out of the car. As soon as they entered the fire house, all eyes were on them. Kymber quietly made her way to the locker room and began putting her things away. Bobby walked to his office and shut the door behind him.

"They definitely did it." Chimney looked over at Hen and smirked. The two of them were watching over the railing upstairs.

"One hundred percent." Hen laughed as she walked over to the staircase.

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