Chapter 31 - Detail

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"You're sure that you're alright with me hosting girls night here?" Kymber asked as she set a few bottles of wine on the counter.

"Of course. You need to spend time with your friends." Bobby said as he rummaged through the fridge, "I'll be fine watching TV in the bedroom."

"You don't have to hide away. You can sit and talk with us." Kymber laughed.

"Sit and talk about guys? Yeah, I'm good." Bobby chuckled as he pulled out bread and turkey.

Knock! Knock!

"They're here!" Kymber said excitedly as she ran to the door and opened it.

"Hey!" Hen said as she watched Bobby try to sneak back into the bedroom with the food, "Going to hide from us, cap?"

"Uh... No... I just like to eat dinner while I watch TV?" Bobby looked at her.

"No need to hide. You should stay out here." Athena said.

"That's what I said!" Kymber put her hands on her hips.

"Alright alright. But just for a little bit." Bobby said as he brought the bread and turkey back to the counter.

"You must be Maddie!" Kymber said, as a woman walked up to the doorway behind Athena, Karen, and Hen.

"I am! Kymber, right?" Maddie smiled.

"That's me." Kymber said.

"Nice to finally meet you. Buck and Chimney have kept me up to date with all of the happenings with you." Maddie chuckled, "Including dating your boss."

"Yeah... That tends to be the hot topic." Bobby sighed.

"Come in. Come in." Kymber said as she backed out of the way.

"Have you and Bobby found me a boo, yet?" Athena smirked as she walked in the door.

"What?" Bobby looked up at her.

"Oh... Did Kymber and Hen not tell you? Michael is gay. We're getting a divorce." Athena looked at him.

"Oh... I'm very sorry about that." Bobby said.

"It's alright. I'm over it at this point. I just want to go out and meet someone." Athena laughed.

"I see... Well, I'll think about it and let you know." Bobby chuckled, making his sandwich.

"How are things going with the two of you?" Karen asked.

"They're going really really well." Kymber smiled.

"I mean, we're living together, aren't we?" Bobby looked over.

"That is true." Karen said.

"Although, a few days ago he did mess with me." Kymber smirked.

"Uh oh." Athena chuckled as she looked over, "What did he do?"

"Her first day back to the station I had Hen tell her that she wouldn't be surprised if I proposed soon. They had a whole conversation about if I would tell Hen, or if Hen would tell Kymber... Well then Kymber turned around to see me down on one knee... Tying my shoe." Bobby smiled.

"Bobby! You didn't." Athena's eyes got wide, "Poor thing. Getting her hopes up."

"I know right?!" Kymber looked at her.

"You guys have an interesting sense of fun over there." Maddie said, "Chimney tells me all of these stories that he thinks are just absolutely hilarious, and I really don't get them half the time... Mostly it's about you all teasing each other."

"That's a big part of what we do. According to Chimney it is our 'station love language'." Bobby laughed as he used air quotes.

"Station love language?" Athena looked over her shoulder at Karen with a confused look on her face.

"I was wondering that too..." Karen said.

"Honestly, with Chim, that doesn't surprise me one bit. He's been all into love languages recently for some reason." Maddie shook her head.

"It's even gotten better since Kymber came around, because now Bobby teases with us. He didn't do that much before he met her. Now it's rare if you don't hear Bobby teasing one of us." Hen smirked.

"I wouldn't say rare." Bobby said.

"Oh, no. It was definitely rare." Hen laughed.

"I thought love languages were for couples?" Athena looked around.

"I thought that too... But don't tell Chimney that. He will go into excruciating detail about how every relationship you have has a love language." Maddie chuckled.

"He's definitely got a very unique personality." Karen said.

"And I am very alright with that." Maddie said, "I like unique."

"Well, I would hope so." Hen said.

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