Chapter 27 - Hot

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"You're sure you want me moving in here?" Bobby smirked as he unlocked the door to Kymber's apartment. She was kept in the hospital for another two weeks after she woke up, to make sure that she was in good enough shape to go home. Bobby went and visited her whenever he could, but since she was still in the ICU, the amount of time that they could spend together was very limited.

"I'm sure." Kymber laughed as the two of them walked into the apartment, even more boxes were stacked around the room than before, "Although, it looks like you've already started to do so."

"My lease expires tomorrow... I figured if I was moving in here I shouldn't re-lease." Bobby chuckled, "So I kind of started emptying my apartment into yours."

"Good. I'm glad you didn't re-lease. It gives you even more reason to stay with me." Kymber smiled.

"Other than the fact that you can't really do much on your own?" Bobby looked at her.

"Or that fact that you said you were more scared than you were in Minnesota." Kymber said as she sat down on the couch, "Did you really mean that?"

"I did... Don't get me wrong, I was terrified back in Minnesota, when Marcy was in the hospital... But the thought of going through that again. It's been a long time since I've had someone that means so much to me... I really do love you." Bobby walked over and sat next to her.

"Can I ask you something?" Kymber looked at him.

"Kymber, I've told you before that you don't have to ask me before you talk to me." Bobby laughed, "What's up?"

"Have you ever thought about getting married again?" Kymber looked down at her hands.

"I have... Why?" Bobby let out a quick smile.

"Just wondering." Kymber blushed.

"You want to get married, don't you?" Bobby smirked as he moved over in front of her.

"I've definitely been thinking about it a lot... Especially the past week. Every time that you would leave, I just longed for more time with you. It made me realize how much I care about you." Kymber looked at him.

"I care about you a lot, too." Bobby said, "And I've thought a lot about it, too."

"You have?" Kymber smiled.

"You mean everything to me, Kymberly." Bobby kissed her.

"You mean everything to me too." Kymberly looked at him.

"We'll give it a few more months and then we will talk about this again, alright?" Bobby smirked.

"Alright." Kymber laughed.

"What do you want for dinner?" Bobby stood up and walked over to the kitchen.

"I want whatever you want." Kymber said.

"Come on, sweetheart. You've been in the hospital for two weeks, eating only hospital food... Are you sure there isn't anything that you want?" Bobby looked at her.

"Honestly, I want whatever you feel like making. Everything you make is amazing, so all I want is a home cooked meal." Kymber smirked.

"Alright, lasagna it is." Bobby said as he started grabbing out pots and pans, "I hope you don't mind, but I kind of took over your kitchen with all of my things."

"Did you see how little I had in there? Of course I don't mind having a man that likes cooking living with me." Kymber laughed.

"Oh, I see how it is... You just like me for my cooking, right?" Bobby said.

"No! I mean, it's definitely a plus, but I like you because of who you are... Also, have you looked in a mirror? Any woman in their right mind would like you." Kymber said.

"Is that so?" Bobby looked over at her.

"Come on, Bobby. There's no way that you don't know how hot you are." Kymber smirked.

"Whatever." Bobby shook his head.

"You are!" Kymber stood up and walked over to the island counter.

"I wouldn't quite say that." Bobby's face started to turn red.

"You don't have to. I'll just say it for you." Kymber said.

"Go sit down." Bobby laughed as he pointed to the couch.

"All I have done the past two weeks is sit down. I want to help." Kymber smiled.

"Fine, you can pour this in here." Bobby smirked as he pushed a bowl and jar of pasta sauce across the counter.

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