Chapter 17 - Embarrassed

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"Ok, fine. You've got us. I did kiss her." Bobby smiled as he walked over to Kymber and put his arm around her waist. He leaned over and kissed her cheek.

"See! We knew this was coming from day one... Now, we have to ask you a question... Have you done the deed?" Buck smirked.

"Well, didn't expect that to be the first question that got asked..." Bobby chuckled and looked down at Kymber who was already bright red.

"I think we can take Kymber's face as the answer. Nice work, cap! First time you've gotten any action as long as we've known you." Eddie raised his hand for a high five, but Bobby ignored it.

"Alright, but when did it happen? We need to figure out who won the bet." Buck said.

"Oh, that's already been determined. I did." Hen laughed.

"Wait... You slept with her the first week?!" Chimney said.

"Can we move on to a different subject?" Kymber looked down at the floor.

"We're just having some fun, Kymber." Eddie laughed. Kymber turned and ran to the bathroom. "I... I'm sorry, cap."

"I'll get her." Hen said to Bobby before following after Kymber.

"It's alright, she's just very self conscious about it." Bobby said.

"Why? It's not like she's never talked about it before." Buck smirked, but Bobby stared at him with a straight face, "Wait... It is? Were you her first?"

"Buck." Bobby sighed.

"Oh my god. You were!" Buck's eyes grew wide.

"Nice one, cap!" Chimney walked up to give Bobby a high five. Bobby smirked, and hesitantly raised his hand for Chimney.

"Well? How was it?" Eddie asked. Bobby smiled and bobbed his head around for a few seconds.

"It was pretty damn good." Bobby chuckled, "But hey, just promise me that none of you will mention the whole virginity thing to her, alright?"

"I just have one question." Buck looked over at Bobby.

"And that is?" Bobby looked at him.

"She's hot... How did she make it to thirty-six without anyone hitting it?" Buck asked.

"I really don't know." Bobby looked down the hallway to make sure that Kymber hadn't come out of the bathroom before he continued, "But it sure as hell makes me feel good that she wanted it to be with me."

"Ok, TMI, cap." Chimney laughed.

"So does that mean that the awkward sexual tension has come to an end?" Eddie asked.

"Probably not." Bobby smirked.

"Why not?" Buck asked.

"I mean, just like you said, Buck. She's hot." Bobby smiled.

"Really, Bobby?" Hen crossed her arms as she walked out behind him.

"I'm just calling it how I see it." Bobby turned around holding his arms out, "Is she doing alright in there?"

"She doesn't want to come out... She's pretty embarrassed." Hen said, "You three... Out of here. Now."

"You can't tell us what to do." Eddie said.

"Oh yeah? Well tell that to the fire chief." Hen smiled at Bobby.

"What are you talking about, Hen?" Chimney looked at her.

"He just made me the new co-captain of the 118." Hen said.

"What?!" Chimney ran over and wrapped her in a hug, "Congratulations, Hen! That's incredible!"

"Thanks, Chim. Now where the hell is my hundred dollars?" Hen laughed. Chimney sighed as he reached into his pocket and grabbed out his wallet.

"I'm still calling Bobby, cap." Buck said.

"That's fine... I prefer Hen, anyways. Just don't you forget that I'm your captain too." Hen smirked, "Now go."

"Yes ma'am." Eddie jokingly saluted her before the three of them walked over to the staircase.

"You should probably go talk to her." Hen looked over at Bobby.

"In the women's restroom?" Bobby stared at her.

"Yes. In the women's restroom." Hen rolled her eyes.

"Uh... Alright then..." Bobby said as he turned and slowly walked down the hall, "Kymberly? Are you in here?" Bobby awkwardly stuck his head in the door.

"Go away." Kymber cried.

"I'm not going away, Kymberly." Bobby said, slowly walking in. He walked to the back stall where Kymber was sitting on the floor, with her head on her knees, crying. "Hey, are you alright?"

"No." Kymber looked up and wiped her nose on her sleeve. He slid his back down the wall to sit next to her.

"What's wrong?" Bobby placed his arm around her shoulders.

"What do you mean, what's wrong? You should know." Kymber stared at him with tears running down her cheeks.

"Is it because everyone knows that last night was your first time?" Bobby asked, gently wiping the tears off of her face.

"Of course it is." Kymber looked down.

"You know that I don't see you as some object, or a prize to be won, right?" Bobby looked at her.

"I do now." Kymber looked up at him and let out a small smile.

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