Chapter 42 - Amazing

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"So, how are you doing?" Kayla looked at Kymber as they sat down. Kymber, Bobby, Kent, Sabrina, Kayla, and Miles had all gone to sit on the back porch later that night after all of the kids had gone to bed.

"I'm doing fine... Why do you ask?" Kymber looked at her confused.

"We've just been worried about you since Kyle died. You always had each other, just like Kayla and I have always had each other... We feel bad about not being there for you when you need us the most." Kent said.

"It's alright. I wasn't really there for you guys that much... I don't expect it back." Kymber shrugged.

"But you deserve it, Kymber. You deserve all of the love in the world." Bobby put his arm around her shoulder.

"See. This is why I like him." Kent smiled, "He's good for you."

"Thank you, Kent. I appreciate that. I try to give your sister the world." Bobby smirked.

"So how did you guys meet? How did you get together?" Kayla asked.

"Well..." Bobby laughed as Kymber looked up at him.

"What's that about, Bobby?" Kent asked.

"I'm her boss." Bobby chuckled.

"Oh my goodness! Really?" Sabrina looked at them.

"Yeah... But we liked each other before we found that out." Kymber shrugged.

"Yeah?" Kayla said, "Give us the details, sis!"

"We met in our apartment building the day before my first day... I tripped and dropped my groceries in the hallway outside my door." Kymber sighed.

"And I just happened to be getting back from a shift. I helped her pick up her things and then we went out for drinks." Bobby smiled, "The next morning we awkwardly discovered that I was her boss. We hid it from our coworkers a few weeks after we decided to start dating, and then I called the fire chief and made sure he was ok with it."

"The fire chief made one of our other paramedics a new co-captain, so still under Bobby, but someone to buffer between Bobby and I." Kymber said.

"Sounds like you've had an interesting relationship." Miles said.

"We have. I new from the moment that I met her that I wanted to be with her... I proposed to her last week at the firefighter's ball." Bobby smiled before kissing the top of her head.

"Oooooh! A ball? Do you have pictures? I want to see!" Kayla said as she ran over to Kymber's side.

"I do!" Kymber pulled out her phone and started scrolling through pictures. Sabrina came and watched over Kayla's shoulder.

"Oh my goodness. You looked beautiful, sis." Kayla hugged Kymber around the shoulders.

"You two looked amazing. Especially together." Sabrina smiled.

"We only looked good because of her. It had nothing to do with me." Bobby smirked.

"I wouldn't say that." Kayla said, "That uniform looked pretty sexy on you."

"Kayla!" Kymber laughed.

"What? I'm married, not dead." Kayla chuckled, "You picked yourself quite the looker."

"Oh my goodness." Kymber's face turned bright red.

"Thanks." Bobby grinned, "But she's way better looking than I am."

"So... Do our kids get some new little cousins at some point?" Miles asked.

"Oh... Uh..." Kymber said as she looked over at Bobby.

"At some point, yes." Bobby smiled, "We definitely want to have kids."

"You guys are going to make some beautiful babies." Kayla said.

"You think so?" Kymber asked.

"Have you seen the two of you? Yeah. Beautiful babies." Kent said.

"Thanks, guys." Kymber blushed again.

"So have you talked about a wedding yet?" Sabrina asked.

"Not yet... I don't even know where to start... Good thing Bobby has already gone through it." Kymber smirked and then all of a sudden realized what she said.

"You've been married before?" Kayla asked.

"Well... Yes... My wife and children passed away in a fire about ten years ago." Bobby looked down.

"Oh... I... I'm so sorry." Kayla said.

"It's alright... Like I said, it's been a long time. I miss them like crazy still, but your sister makes me happy." Bobby said.

"That's good. I'm glad she does." Kayla smiled, "She's a pretty amazing girl."

"Your really think so?" Kymber asked.

"Yes. Of course I do. You're my sister." Kayla smirked.

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