Chapter 25 - Memory

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"Any news?" Hen asked as Bobby solemnly walked into the firehouse. Kymber has now been in the hospital for three days, and still hasn't woken up. Bobby still went to work everyday, and would go visit her as soon as his shift was over.

"Not yet." Bobby sighed as he walked into the locker room and put his things in his locker.

"Are you doing alright?" Hen asked him as he sat down on the bench.

"I'm fine." Bobby leaned forward and rested his forearms on his legs, "I just want to hear her voice."

"I know you do, cap. Hopefully you will soon... Since they got the bleeding to stop without surgery, things are looking up. Plus, they said that the splinters from her vertebrae have started to stabilize, which means it is less likely that they will interfere with her spinal cord." Hen sat down next to him.

"I know... I just..." Bobby shook his head as he stopped, "You know what. Never mind."

"You just, what, Bobby?" Hen looked over at him.

"I haven't felt this way since I was sitting in the hospital waiting for Marcy to get better." Bobby sighed, "And she never did... That scares me, Hen. The last person I felt so strongly about left me. I can't have Kymber leave me too."

"Bobby, she is getting better. She's not going to leave you." Hen smiled.

"That's what they said about Marcy." Bobby looked up.

"Do you really feel the same way about Kymber that you did about Marcy?" Hen looked at Bobby. He turned his head to face her and slowly nodded. "Like, the same way as in you want to marry her?"

"I don't know, Hen. We've only known each other for a little over two weeks... I think I feel the same way about Kymberly as I did Marcy, but what if I'm just imagining it?"  Bobby closed his eyes.

"I don't think you are imagining it, cap. You love her a lot. We can all see that... And it's not just some fake or forced love, either." Hen said.

Buzz! Buzz!

Bobby quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed out his phone.

"Hello?" Bobby asked.

"Captain Bobby Nash?" the person on the other end of the line responded.

"This is him." Bobby said, standing up.

"We just wanted to inform you that Kymberly Douglass is starting to show signs of waking up." the person said.

"Really? I'll be there as soon as I can." Bobby said as he hung up the phone.

"Is she awake?" Hen stood up.

"No, but she's showing signs of waking up. I've got to get to the hospital." Bobby said as he frantically ran over to his locker and pulled out his bag and car keys.

"Let me drive you. You're too flustered to drive right now..." Hen took his keys.

"Thank you, Hen... But what about work?" Bobby looked around.

"I am going to get Chimney, Buck, and Eddie. I will call the other stations' captains and let them know what is going on, alright?" Hen asked. Bobby nodded as he watched Hen run out into the big open room. She called for the rest of the guys and they quickly came running down the stairs. "You ready?" Hen stuck her head in the doorway of the locker room.

"Yeah. I'm ready." Bobby said as they ran out to Hen's car.

"Are you excited?" Buck smiled at Bobby.

"Of course I am excited." Bobby said eagerly, "I just hope she doesn't have any memory loss."

"She remembered your voice the other day though." Chimney said.

"That doesn't mean when she wakes up that she will remember, though." Eddie said quietly.

"Don't worry, cap. I'm sure she wouldn't forget you." Buck smiled.

"Let's hope not..." Bobby sighed.

"Stop being so negative. Think about the positive, you know. The fact that she is starting to wake up?" Hen looked at them in the rear view mirror.

"Hen's right. We should just focus on what we do have." Chimney said.

"I just want to have Kymberly back." Bobby looked out the window as they pulled up in front of the hospital.

"And you will. Very very soon, you will have her back." Hen said as she pulled the car into a parking space.

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