Chapter 41 - Belong

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Knock! Knock!

"Kymber!" Kymber's mom cheered as she opened the door to their house.

"Mom!" Kymber ran up and gave her mom a hug.

"You must be the Robert Nash that I've heard so much about." her mom looked at Bobby.

"That I am... You can call me Bobby." Bobby held out his hand for her to shake.

"We hug in this house, Bobby." she said as she held open her arms.

"Oh. Alright." Bobby chuckled as he gave her a hug, "It is so nice to finally meet you Mrs. Douglass. I've heard so much about you."

"Oh, don't be so formal. Please call me Misty." Misty smiled.

"Where's dad?" Kymber looked around.

"He's in the living room with Kent, Kayla, and their families." Misty said as Kymber took off towards the living room, "Right this way."

"Thank you." Bobby chuckled as Misty led him into the living room.

"Oh! I'm sorry... Dad, this is Bobby... He's my fiancé." Kymber said nervously.

"Your what?!" Kayla looked over to her.

"My fiancé..." Kymber turned around.

"Kymber, that's great! I'm so happy for you." Kent smiled.

"It's nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about all of you." Bobby said as he shook Kent and Kayla's hands, "Mr. Douglass."

"I'm glad I finally get to meet you, Robert." Kymber's dad said as he crossed his arms.

"You can call me Bobby." Bobby smiled.

"I'm fine with Robert for now... When were you going to ask me about marrying my daughter?" her dad sat down in his chair.

"Uhhh..." Bobby looked around nervously.

"Where are the kids?" Kymber looked to Kent and Kayla to get out of the situation.

"Miles and Sabrina have them upstairs. They should be getting up from their nap." Kent said.

"Can I go meet them?" Kymber asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." Kayla said as she stood up.

"Oh thanks." Bobby whispered under his breath as Kymber walked past him.

"I'm sorry. You'll be fine." Kymber whispered before giving him a quick kiss on his cheek.

"So... When were you going to tell me?" Mr. Douglass stared at Bobby.

"Eugene. Leave the poor man alone." Misty said.

"If he's going to marry my daughter I need to know more about him." Eugene looked over at her.

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you before I proposed... I didn't know when I would finally meet you and I had the perfect opportunity to make it special for her..." Bobby said, a little flustered.

"It's alright, Bobby." Misty said.

"What was your perfect opportunity?" Eugene asked.

"Well, we had the firefighter's ball last weekend... We were all dressed up, and surrounded by our friends. It was perfect." Bobby smiled.

"It sounds perfect." Misty said.

"Just take care of her. I don't want my little girl getting hurt." Eugene sighed.

"I promise, sir. I will never hurt your daughter." Bobby sat down.

"Hey guys!" Kymber said, coming down the stairs holding the little six month old baby.

"Awe. Who do we have here?" Bobby looked at the little girl as Kymber sat next to him on the couch.

"Meredith." Kayla said.

"She's beautiful... Can I hold her?" Bobby asked.

"Of course... She's going to be your niece after all." Kayla smiled.

"Really?" Bobby's eyes lit up as Kymber handed him the baby.

"You're marrying our sister. Of course you're going to be their uncle." Kent said, as two little faces peered out from behind him.

"And who are they?" Bobby asked.

"Gillian and Georgia." Kent said, "And their cousins over there are Maxwell and Marcus."

"Daddy. Who are they?" Gillian pulled at Kent's shirt.

"That is Aunt Kymber and Uncle Bobby." Kent said as he crouched down next to them. Gillian ran over to Kymber and gave her a hug.

"Hi, buddy!" Kymber said.

"Aunt Kymby!" Gillian exclaimed.

"Kymby." Bobby chuckled.

"What's funny?" Miles looked at him.

"Have you heard of ship names?" Bobby looked up.

"Yeah, of course." Kayla said.

"Yeah... The other firefighter's at our station decided that Kymby is ours." Bobby smirked.

"Awe. That's so cute... Sounds like you have a great team there." Sabrina said.

"That we do. It's like one big happy family." Kymber smiled, "I love it there."

"I'm so glad you found the place where you belong, sis." Kent said, sitting next to her on the couch.

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