Chapter 26 - Harm

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"Bobby?" Kymber blinked her eyes open, trying to adjust to the bright lights above her.

"Kymberly, it's good to see you awake." a doctor said walking into the room.

"Where's Bobby?" Kymber said, trying to sit up, but the pain from her ribs forced her to lay back down, "Why can't I turn my head?"

"Please don't try. You have a broken vertebrae." the doctor said.

"Kymberly!" Bobby exclaimed as he ran into the room.

"Bobby!" Kymber cried.

"You're awake." Bobby leaned down to kiss her, "I'm so glad you're awake."

"Bobby. What happened?" Kymber looked at him with tears running down her face.

"There was an accident. When you and Buck were repelling down the building, something happened with your winch. You free fell about a hundred feet. Hit your head. God I was so worried about you... Hen called to Buck over the radio and I got so scared. All I wanted was to come help you, but I couldn't. I thought I was going to lose you. Kymber, I love you so much." Bobby grabbed her hand as Hen, Buck, Eddie, and Chimney reached the doorway.

"I love you, too, Bobby." Kymber reached up and touched his face.

"Buck saved your life." Hen smiled as she walked in.

"You did?" Kymber looked out of the corner of her eye, she could barely see Buck standing in the doorway.

"Nah, we all did. Hen, Chimney, and I. We all saved you." Buck brushed it off.

"You're the one who got to her and carried her up to us. If it weren't for you we wouldn't have been able to get her." Chimney shrugged.

"Thank you, Buck." Bobby turned around and smiled at him.

"Of course, cap." Buck smiled.

"It's good to see you awake, Kymber. I'm glad you're alright." Eddie said, "Bobby was extremely worried about you. Like extremely."

"Is that so?" Kymber looked at Bobby with a smile on her face.

"It took everything I had to keep him focused on the scene. He wanted nothing more than to go with you... Funny when you have to tell your captain what to do." Eddie smirked.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Bobby chuckled, "That was probably the most scared I've ever been in my life."

"More than..." Kymber looked into Bobby's eyes.

"More than in Minnesota." Bobby stared into her eyes. Kymber's eyes began to water again as she smiled at him. "I mean that."

"You really love me that much?" Kymber asked.

"I do. I really do." Bobby smiled.

"Bobby will you move in with me?" Kymber asked.

"That's not what I expected her to say." Chimney chuckled.

"Of course I will. I'll be there right by your side when you're getting better." Bobby rubbed his thumb on her cheek.

"I seriously don't understand how they can move so fast..." Buck whispered to Hen.

"When you find the right person, you just know." Hen turned to look at him.

"You think they're meant to be?" Buck smiled.

"I really do." Hen whispered, "I mean... Just look at them. I've never seen Bobby so happy, and look at his eyes. Those are the eyes of someone who it in love."

"Is my neck alright?" Kymber asked as she reached her hand up and ran her fingers across the collar.

"You broke a vertebrae in your neck on impact with the side of the building." Chimney said.

"How am I alive?" Kymber looked around.

"God." Bobby smirked, "And, we have a pretty great team that took care of you."

"How long until I can go back to work?" Kymber asked.

"It will be a while still... At least a month." the doctor walked into the room.

"Are you serious? A month?" Kymber looked at him.

"We've got to make sure that you are healed before you get back out there, sweetheart." Bobby placed his hand on her shoulder.

"I started this job so I could help people, not so I could sit at home." Kymber said.

"I know... But who said you have to sit at home? We've got places for you to sit at the station." Bobby smirked.

"Really? You'll let me come to the station still?" Kymber smiled.

"If you're feeling up to it." Bobby said.

"As long as you don't do any actual work, I don't see the harm in that." the doctor said.

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