Chapter 43 - Accident

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"So, how was meeting the future in-laws?" Eddie asked as Bobby and Kymber walked up the stairs the next morning.

"It went pretty well... Her dad isn't the biggest fan of me yet... But hopefully that will change soon." Bobby said as he walked over to the counter, "Where's Hen?"

"Not sure. She hasn't come in yet." Buck said.

"Weird. She's always here early." Kymber walked over to the table and sat down.

"Maybe she just over slept or something." Chimney said.

"Probably..." Bobby shrugged.

"Back to the in-laws... Why doesn't her dad like you?" Eddie asked.

"He's just a little mad that I didn't ask him before proposing. He's also just skeptical because I'm the first guy that Kymber has introduced them to. He won't even call me Bobby, he only calls me Robert." Bobby said as he put a bagel in the toaster.

"Ah... Understandable. But everyone else likes you?" Buck looked over at him.

"They seem to... I mean, her brother and sister both told their kids that I'm their uncle... Which that was pretty cool." Bobby smiled.

"It was! I was very excited about that." Kymber said.

"And her mom was extremely happy to finally meet me. She immediately gave me a hug when I walked through the door." Bobby chuckled.

"Well, that's good." Chimney said, "At least you've got one parent on your side."

"Like I said, I'm hoping to get them both on my side. I just need to work a little more of the Bobby charm." Bobby smirked.

"The Bobby charm, huh?" Buck snickered.

"What? You don't think I have charm?" Bobby looked at him.

"I mean... Maybe." Buck shrugged before the alarms started to go off.

"Attention station 118. There is a multiple vehicle accident at the intersection of San Vicente and Sixth." the voice called over the intercom.

"Uh oh. Hen's missing the first call of the day." Chimney said as he started running towards the stairs.

"It's ok. We've still got two great paramedics here today." Bobby said, as he reached the bottom of the stairs. They all ran over to the cubbies, grabbing their coats and helmets.

"Looks like you get to sit up front today." Chimney chuckled as he climbed into the driver's seat of the ambulance.

"Finally." Kymber laughed, climbing in the passenger's seat, "Sometimes it can get a bit lonely back there."

"Oh believe me, I know." Chimney said as he pulled the ambulance out of the station, "When I finally started going on calls, I was back there."

"What do you mean finally?" Kymber asked as Chimney switched on the sirens.

"When I first got here we had a different captain... He didn't like me all that much. For the first few months that I was here, all I did was clean the firehouse from top to bottom... That and try to set the record for getting into my gear." Chimney smirked.

"That must've been awful. I'm sorry about that." Kymber looked at him.

"Eh. It's alright. I get to do things now, so I'm over it." Chimney brushed it off.

"I'm glad Bobby isn't like that." Kymber said.

"Oh, we all were. We were worried when he got here that he would either be there for a few weeks then bolt, or be a complete ass like the captain before him." Chimney said, "Thankfully he was neither."

"I guess." Kymber laughed, "You and Hen are the only ones that were here when Bobby started, right?"

"That's what I thought... I take it he didn't do anything like that with Buck or Eddie either?" Kymber asked.

"Nah. He treated them the same that he treated you... Other than the dating and kissing stuff obviously." Chimney smirked.

"I would hope so." Kymber rolled her eyes as they pulled up to the accident. There were about ten cars piled up under an overpass.

"We're going to need some more paramedics." Chimney looked around.

"I'd say so." Kymber said as shock covered her face.

"I'll let Bobby know." Chimney jumped out of the ambulance and walked over to the fire truck.

"Oh my god." Kymber said, scanning the cars as she reached a familiar SUV in the very center of the accident, "Hen."

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