Chapter 16 - Seeing

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"Hen? Will you come with us when he makes the call? I want you there to keep me calm." Kymber said.

"What about Bobby?" Hen asked.

"It's a really important phone call, Hen... I can't distract him." Kymber looked at her.

"Alright, fine. Let's go." Hen laughed as the three of them walked down the stairs to Bobby's office.

"You ready?" Bobby looked over at Kymber. She nodded without saying a word. Her face went pale.

"It's going to be alright, Kymber." Hen hugged her.

"Well... Here goes nothing." Bobby said as he dialed the phone.

"Captain Nash. What can I do you for?" the fire chief answered.

"I have something I need to tell you." Bobby sighed.

"Alright?" the chief said.

"My new paramedic, Kymberly Douglass?" Bobby looked at her.

"Yeah?" the chief began to grow impatient.

"Chief, her and I have started to see each other." Bobby blurted out. There was silence on the line for a few seconds.

"You know I can't have you be her captain, don't you Nash?" the chief asked.

"I know." Bobby looked down.

"Well... We have two choices. Either transfer her, or get a paramedic captain." the chief sighed.

"Please don't transfer her. We can get a paramedic captain." Bobby said frantically.

"How about that Henrietta? Would she make a good paramedic captain?" the chief asked. Hen sat up straight, and stared at Bobby.

"She would." Bobby nodded.

"Alright. Problem solved. You and Henrietta are now co-captains of the 118." the chief said.

"Really? Thank you, chief." Bobby smiled.

"I was going to ask you about making her the paramedic captain next week anyways." the chief said, before hanging up the phone.

"I get to be a captain?" Hen stood up and walked towards Bobby's desk with a huge smile on her face.

"You heard the chief." Bobby stood up, "Congratulations, Captain Wilson."

"I get to be a captain." Hen turned around to face Kymber.

"And I get to stay." Kymber sighed in relief.

"That too!" Hen said excitedly, "Can we please tell the rest of the team? I want to rub it in that I won our bet!"

"That's up to Kymberly." Bobby looked over at her.

"Can we at least have a little fun with it?" Kymber smirked.

"What do you mean?" Bobby looked at her confused.

"We've got to mess with them somehow." Kymber said.

"I like where this is going." Hen laughed.

"Well, what have you got in mind?" Bobby crossed his arms.

"We should go out there and kiss in front of them or something and then when they say something about it, we just act like it never happened... Hen can back us up and say that she didn't say anything either." Kymber smiled.

"Oh I am so in." Hen said, "Let's do this."

"I think that would be fun... Go ahead out there. I'll see you in a minute." Bobby winked at Kymber. Hen and Kymber walked out to the firetrucks and grabbed sponges to help the guys wash it.

"What is it with the three of you spending so much time in Bobby's office recently?" Buck asked.

"Just like the last few times, Buck. We are discussing Kymber's progress." Hen said.

"I still think that I should be involved." Chimney sighed.

"Hey, guys. It's looking good." Bobby said, walking out of his office.

"Thanks, cap." Eddie looked over at him. Bobby walked over to Kymber and pushed her up against the firetruck. She looked up at him and smiled as he leaned in and started kissing her.

"What the hell?" Buck said as Bobby pulled back from the kiss and walked away.

"What?" Bobby looked at him.

"You just... You just pinned Kymber against the firetruck and kissed her." Chimney pointed.

"No I didn't." Bobby looked at him in shock.

"Yes you did. We all just saw it." Eddie said.

"What are you talking about? I didn't see him kiss her." Hen scoffed.

"No, he definitely did kiss her. Kymber did he kiss you?" Buck asked.

"Why would he kiss me?" Kymber asked as she scrubbed the side of the firetruck.

"I swear he just..." Chimney said.

"You're imagining things, Chim..." Bobby smirked.

"Are we all imagining things, then?" Eddie asked, "Because we all definitely just saw it."

"I'm pretty sure you didn't." Kymber said, "I'm pretty sure I would've known."

"Nah, you guys are just messing with us, right? I mean, you've got to be... I swear, you just kissed." Chimney said.

"Their messing with us. I mean, come on, why would we imagine that?" Buck asked.

"Because it's all you've been talking about since Kymber started." Bobby laughed.

"Cap, I swear, if you don't tell us the truth..." Chimney walked up to Bobby.

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