Chapter 2 - Observing

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"What are you all smiley for today, cap?" Buck asked, as Bobby walked up the stairs, in a very 'bubbly' mood.

"Oh, it's nothing." Bobby said, trying to hide the smile.

"Come on, cap. We know it's not nothing." Hen smirked as she walked to the table with her cup of coffee.

"I swear. It's nothing." Bobby set his bag down on the table and walked to the fridge to grab out the orange juice.

"He probably met a girl." Eddie laughed as he swirled his spoon around in his bowl of cereal. Bobby didn't respond, he just went about his business pouring a glass of juice.

"Oh my god. He did meet a girl!" Hen turned around to look at Bobby.

"No..." Bobby said, anxiously before returning the orange juice to the fridge.

"Yes! You totally did! Who is she?" Buck asked, as he playfully punched Bobby's shoulder.

"Even if I did meet someone, it wouldn't be any of your business." Bobby sighed, taking a sip of his juice.

"Cap, here, everything is everyone's business." Chimney said.

"It doesn't matter. I have only spoken to her once. She just moved in down the hall from me. Who knows when I will see her again." Bobby looked down at the floor.

"Come on, Bobby! You have to go for it. Get her number or something." Eddie taunted.

"I'm not to sure about that..." Bobby chuckled. Just then, they heard footsteps on the stairs.

"Who is that?" Buck asked.

"Probably the new paramedic that we are getting. I still have no idea who..." Bobby stopped as he watched Kymber appear at the top of the stairs, "It is..." She was staring down at the piece of paper in her hands.

"Hi... I'm here to speak to..." Kymber looked up and met eyes with Bobby, "Wait... Bobby, you're Captain Nash?"

"You're our new paramedic?" Bobby stared at her in shock.

"Well... I think we know who the girl is..." Eddie whispered.

"Yeah... I'm your new paramedic." Kymber said.

"Alright... Well, welcome. Uh... Make yourself at home, we have food in the fridge if you're hungry. In a little bit I can show you where your locker is." Bobby stumbled over his words as he gestured over to the table, "You can set your things on the table for now."

"Right, thanks." Kymber awkwardly made her way over to the table and set her bag down.

"Everyone, this is Kymberly Douglass, our new paramedic." Bobby looked at her, still in shock.

"Hi, Kymberly. My name is Hen." Hen reached her hand out towards Kymber.

"Nice to meet you..." Kymber slowly reached out to shake Hen's hand, "You can call me Kymber."

"Good to meet you, Kymber. I'm Chimney." Chimney smiled.

"I'm Eddie." Eddie took a bite of cereal.

"And I'm Buck." Buck leaned against the counter, "You don't happen to live in the same building as Bobby does, do you?"

"I do." Kymber's face turned bright red as she looked down at her bag.

"Buck." Bobby glared at him.

"Just trying to make conversation, cap." Buck shrugged.

"Are you hungry?" Bobby looked at Kymber.

"I... I'm alright. I ate before I left this morning." Kymber said, still looking at her bag.

"Well, if you're not hungry, why don't I take you down to show you where the lockers are." Bobby waved her over.

"Alright." Kymber stood up and grabbed her bag. The two of them made their way down the stairs.

"Man, you could cut that sexual tension with a knife." Buck quietly laughed, to make sure that they couldn't hear.

"Oh, for sure." Hen smirked.

"Hopefully she didn't hear us talking about her when she came in." Eddie said.

"Eh, I don't think so. She seemed pretty focused on her little paper there. Plus, she didn't even know that Bobby was our captain until she got up here." Chimney said.

"Yeah, that is true." Eddie stood up to bring his bowl to the sink.

"I just hope things aren't that awkward forever." Hen chuckled, taking a swig of her coffee.

"I hope so, too. Because that was definitely a weird situation." Buck said.

"I wonder if they are talking about it." Chimney laughed as he walked up to the railing.

"Chim! You can't spy on them!" Hen stood up and followed him over.

"I'm not spying. I'm just observing the firehouse." Chimney leaned forward and rested his arms on the top of the rail.

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