Chapter 15 - Wrong

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"Bobby. I've known for a week now. Please, I gotta tell someone. This secret is killing me." Hen said a week later, she snuck into Bobby's office while his back was turned.

"Hen. You can't just barge into my office like that." Bobby jumped.

"I've got to tell someone. Please let me tell someone." Hen begged.

"No, Hen. We aren't telling anyone yet." Bobby said.

"Why not?" Hen asked.

"I haven't even asked her to be my girlfriend yet." Bobby looked down.

"Oh my god. Are you serious right now? You haven't asked her to be your girlfriend? Come on, Bobby. You and I both know she already is your girlfriend." Hen looked at him.

"I mean, yeah... But I want this to be special for her... Her ex was kind of a dud. I want to make her feel special." Bobby said.

"Uh huh. I'm pretty sure you do that every night when you share a bed." Hen chuckled.

"Hen, please let me do this my way, alright?" Bobby looked at her.

"Alright... Fine. Just please do it soon." Hen sighed as she left the office. Bobby followed her.

"Look! He has one too!" Buck whispered as he pointed at Bobby's key ring. Both him and Kymber had an extra apartment key that they didn't have before.

"You think they belong to each other's apartments?" Eddie whispered back.

"Sharing secrets over there, guys?" Bobby looked over.

"No, boss. Just talking." Buck said.

"About?" Bobby asked.

"Nothing important." Eddie looked down.

"Tell me the truth, Diaz." Bobby glared at him.

"Alright, fine... What's that extra key on your key ring for? And why did Kymber get a new key too?" Eddie looked at Bobby.

"Oh... Uh..." Bobby looked at Kymber.

"We got new locks on our laundry room at the apartment. We all got new keys." Kymber shrugged.

"Yeah. I don't know why they just decided to put a lock on it, but oh well." Bobby laughed.

"Really? A laundry key?" Buck smirked.

"Yes, Buck. What else would it be?" Kymber asked.

"You could have given each other keys to your apartments..." Chimney looked up from his laptop.

"What? Why would we have done that?" Bobby asked as a bead of sweat started to form in the middle of his forehead.

"Because you like each other?" Eddie smirked.

"I thought we were over that." Kymber sighed.

"Nah. We won't be over it until you either date, or stop with the weird vibes." Buck said.

"What weird vibes?" Bobby asked.

"You guys are always looking at each other. And Kymber has gotten less and less awkward around you... Just, weird vibes." Buck explained.

"Just sleep with her already. Damn, cap." Chimney said, staring at his computer.

"Howard Han, you do not speak to me like that." Bobby walked over to him.

"Sorry. But it's true. You two just need to get it over with." Chimney said.

"I suggest you stop talking, Chim." Hen sighed.

"Fine." Chimney closed his computer.

"Guys, I promise. There's nothing going on between Bobby and I... And even if there was, why is it that big of a deal?" Kymber asked.

"It's a big deal because Bobby hasn't liked anyone since he started here, ten years ago." Chimney said.

"Ok, ok. Laugh all you want. I promise you, Kymber and I are just friends. That's it. Yeah, we are close, so what?" Bobby said, "Hen and Chimney are super close. Why don't you think anything about them?"

"Because Hen doesn't like men?" Eddie scoffed.

"He's got a point there, cap." Hen smirked.

"He's got no point. Kymber and I are friends. Two adults can be friends without wanting to sleep together." Bobby said.

"That is true... Just not in this case." Buck laughed.

"Can I go home?" Kymber piped up.

"No." Bobby turned and looked at her.

"Then can this conversation stop? It's making me really uncomfortable." Kymber said.

"Can we at least get your response?" Buck looked at her.

"Bobby and I are just friends." Kymber sighed.

"See? I told you. Now go wash the firetrucks or something." Bobby waved them off.

"Do we have to? We just did two days ago." Eddie said.

"Firetrucks. Now." Bobby demanded.

"Fine." Eddie said as he, Buck, and Chimney slumped down the stairs.

"Bobby, you've got to make that phone call." Hen said.

"First, I need to ask Kymber a question." Bobby turned to her.

"What is it?" Kymber looked up, confused.

"Kymberly, will you be my girlfriend?" Bobby smiled.

"Really? You want me to be your girlfriend?" Kymber grinned.

"Of course I do." Bobby said.

"So, I guess I was wrong." Hen looked around, "Didn't expect that response."

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