Chapter 6 - Trust

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"Look!" Hen whispered as she pointed to the door. Bobby and Kymber walked in together.

"Now just remember, act tense when you're around me, alright? I don't want them to think anything has changed." Bobby whispered behind Kymber as they entered the locker room.

"Got it." Kymber nodded as she hung her bag and jacket up in her locker.

"Ready?" Bobby asked, as he started towards the door.

"Yep. Let's go." Kymber turned around and walked with him upstairs.

"Rode in together today?" Eddie asked as they got to the top of the staircase.

"Yeah, I woke up late and by the time I walked here I would have been late... Thankfully I caught Bobby before he left for the day." Kymber looked over her shoulder.

"Perfect timing too... I was just about to leave." Bobby shrugged as he walked over to the fridge, "I'm thinking  scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast... Anyone else want some?"

"Sure." Kymber said.

"Count us all in, cap." Hen laughed as she looked around the table at Eddie, Buck, and Chimney, who all perked up when they heard eggs.

"Scrambled eggs and toast for six. Got it." Bobby pulled out the carton of eggs and set a pan on the stove.

"Is it just me, or does he seem even perkier today?" Hen whispered to Chimney.

"It's not just you." Chimney whispered back.

"Hmm. Interesting." Hen looked over at Kymber, who was doing her best to act uncomfortable.

"How are you this morning, Kymber?" Chimney asked.

"I'm alright." Kymber looked around before whispering, "Let me tell you, that was the most awkward car ride I have ever experienced."

"Wait, why?" Buck asked.

"It was just... Awkward. No talking, nothing... I don't know, but it was not normal." Kymber lied through her teeth.

"Really? Then why is he so happy?" Eddie whispered.

"I don't know. He's been that way since we left." Kymber looked over and noticed Bobby stealthily giving her a thumbs up.

"Interesting..." Hen leaned back.

"How's it coming, cap?" Buck asked.

"It takes time to cook eggs, Buck." Bobby chuckled as he dropped bread into the toaster.

"Hey cap. Can I ask you a question?" Eddie asked quietly, walking up next to Bobby and leaning on the counter with his back facing everyone else.

"Sure. What's up." Bobby turned around to the stove.

"Why are you so smiley? Is it something that happened with Kymber?" Eddie whispered.

"What would have happened?" Bobby laughed, "No. It wasn't anything that happened with her. Her presence just makes me feel happy, ya know? Like you and Buck? The only thing is, I don't have the option of going for it like you do."

"How did you know about me liking Buck?" Eddie whispered as he leaned forward towards Bobby.

"You think that it isn't obvious?" Bobby smirked, "I've known for a while... Why don't you say something to him?"

"Because I don't know if he likes guys. I mean, come on. We know he likes girls, but I don't want to put myself out there if he doesn't like guys." Eddie shrugged.

"Like I said, you have the chance to shoot your shot. I don't." Bobby said, as he started scooping eggs onto the plates.

"When did this conversation become about me? I was asking you about Kymber." Eddie said, confused.

"It was easy to change the subject. You get all giddy and excited when people mention Buck." Bobby laughed.

"Anyways... Back to you. Why don't you just tell the chief that you're interested in her?" Eddie asked.

"It's not that easy, Eddie. I have a lot of rules I have to follow, and while this isn't technically a set rule, it is a very heavily emphasized guideline." Bobby scooped up a few plates and brought them over to the table.

"Is everything alright, cap?" Chimney asked.

"Yeah. Eddie just had a few questions about his promotion from probationary firefighter." Bobby said, setting the plates down. He walked back over to the counter and grabbed the rest.

"Are you sure that's it, cap?" Buck asked, starting to get worried.

"You don't trust me, Buck?" Bobby asked, setting down the rest of the plates.

"I do trust you... Sorry, cap." Buck said as he pulled his plate in front of him.

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