Chapter 51 - Reveal

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Two months had passed and Hen was well into her recovery. Far enough in to come back to work. "It feels good to be back." Hen took a deep breath as she stopped in the doorway of the locker room. Kymber was now four months pregnant and starting to show.

"It's good to have you back." Kymber smiled as she walked over and gave her a hug, "Riding around in the ambulance hasn't been the same without you."

"Should I take offense to that?" Chimney looked at Kymber.

"I didn't say it was bad without her." Kymber said before turning back to Hen and giving her a smirk.

"Look at you! Baby is getting big!" Hen placed her hand on Kymber's stomach.

"Yes. Because baby has been craving junk food." Bobby rolled his eyes as he walked into the room, "Glad to have you back, Captain Wilson."

"I told you not to call me that." Hen chuckled.

"I still will." Bobby smirked.

"So nothing but junk food, huh?" Hen looked at Kymber.

"I've been eating healthy food too!" Kymber looked around to see everyone staring at her, "Ok... Mostly junk food... But it's the baby, not me. I swear."

"Oh I can confirm that it's the baby. Never before has Kymber woken me up at two in the morning to get her chicken nuggets." Bobby laughed.

"I'm sorry! I had a dream about them." Kymber shrugged.

"Yes, and you wouldn't stop crying until I went and got you said chicken nuggets." Bobby smirked.

"How has it been working while pregnant?" Hen asked.

"It's gone pretty well actually! I've been doing almost as much as normal." Kymber said. Hen looked over Kymber's shoulder to see the guys all rolling their eyes.

"Uh huh." Hen laughed, "Well, I'm back now so you can start taking it a bit easier."

"I'm alright, honest." Kymber said.

"You need to start thinking more about that baby. So you'll start taking it a bit easier." Hen put her hands on her hips.

"Alright." Kymber sighed.

"Do you guys plan to find out the sex?" Hen looked at Bobby.

"I don't know... We're still kind of on the fence about it. We have until next Wednesday to decide. That's when we have the next ultrasound." Bobby said.

"You should! We could have a whole big gender reveal party here at the station! Invite all our friends, your family. It would be awesome." Buck smiled.

"I do think it would be nice to be able to plan what clothes to get and what color to paint the nursery." Kymber shrugged.

"Wait, you guys have a room for a nursery?" Hen looked confused.

"Oh yeah... Surprise! We bought a house!" Bobby held out his arms.

"Wait... You did what?" Buck asked.

"Why didn't you guys tell us?" Eddie asked.

"We wanted to make it a surprise. You know... Wait until we had everything moved over and then invite you guys over for dinner." Bobby said.

"Sorry. Baby brain... I forgot we didn't tell them yet." Kymber slumped down onto the bench.

"No, it's alright." Bobby chuckled.

"Well, now that we know, we can help you move!" Buck said eagerly.

"Of course. We would love to help out." Eddie smiled.

"That would be great." Bobby said.

"It really would. I'm trying to be as much help as I can, but Bobby is being extremely overprotective of the baby." Kymber said.

"I can't let anything happen to it." Bobby looked at her.

"I know. I don't want anything to happen to the baby either, but I still have to do things or else I'm going to go crazy." Kymber smirked.

"So where did we land on the gender reveal party?" Chimney looked up.

"You're still on that?" Kymber laughed.

"I really just want to have cake." Chimney shrugged.

"Well... What do you think, sweetheart?" Bobby smiled at Kymber.

"Let's do it." Kymber smiled.

"Alright. I'll start planning." Hen said as she pulled out her phone, "Buck and Eddie, you guys are on decorations. Get anything and everything pink and blue. Chimney, you're with me. We are going to get the cake and everything else for the reveal."

"Aye aye, captain." Eddie said as he fake saluted her.

"Oh you really wanna go there?" Hen crossed her arms.

"Sorry." Eddie sat down.

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