The plan wasn't to go on the run, not yet anyway. We just had to leave here and stay low for a bit and see how things turn out. The creep that kept texting me might not tell anyone about what happened, after all isn't he committing a crime too? Knowing what we did and not telling the police, surely that was a crime too?

Maybe I could spin in that way? If he threatened us again, I could threaten him and tell everyone he was complicit in the coverup or else how would he know what happened?

Yes, that could actually work!

Whether that worked or not, it still was still a good idea to get away from here, even if it was just for a little while.

Speaking of the creep, he hadn't texted or called me all day. I wonder if he was someone and I knew and the mass message I sent everyone scared him off. At the end of the day I didn't care who he was as long as he kept his mouth shut.

"What are you watching?" I asked Cami as I joined her on the sofa.

"Hollyoaks." She told me, turning the volume up.


I hadn't watched Hollyoaks since I started uni and had no idea what was going on. "What's going on?"

"Urgh." Cami groaned, pausing the screen. "It's too long to explain, just google it."

"My phone is on charge."

Cami glared at me for a few seconds before unlocking her phone and tossing it at me. Before I could say another word she motioned for me to shut up before pressing play on the remote control.

I wasn't that interested in the show so decided to play Beehive Bedlam instead. I was so excited when I found out the game was available on the play store. It brought back so much memories from my childhood. It was a game that was available on the old Sky box and Cami and I would always play it and try to beat each other's score. Usually we played it when it was raining as the Sky box was always dodgy when it rained and my parents would join in too.

Listening to that music felt nostalgic and took me back to those days, those days when everything was perfect and we were happy.

I was tempted to turn the sound up and piss Cami off but decided against it. I was only playing for 10 minutes when the phone started to vibrate.



"Someone called Daniel is calling you."

"It's my boss, well ex-boss. Just ignore it." Cami said once she peeled her eyes from the telly for two seconds.

I did what she asked and rejected the call but he continued to call again. After rejecting his call three times he finally got the hint. I suddenly felt uneasy and no longer wanted to continue playing. What did her boss want? It must be important for him to call that many times.

"I think you should call him back, it might be important."

"I'll call him back later, he probably just wants me to come back to work." Cami shrugged, keeping her eyes on the telly and not seeming that bothered.

I was going to leave it too when a message came through.

Cami, call me back ASAP. It's important.

I grabbed the control and turned the telly off, ignoring the shouts of protest from Cami.

"You need to call him back." I told her, handing her phone back to her.

Cami groaned but did what I said when she realised I wasn't messing around.

Her ex-boss Daniel answered within the first couple of rings as if he had been waiting for her call. I motioned for her to put it on speakerphone and she did.

"Hey Cami, sorry to call you on a Sunday evening but this is important."

"Hi Daniel, what's up?" Cami asked not picking up on Daniel's nervous tone.

"I know you don't work for us anymore but you need to come in the store." Daniel started to say as I frowned. "They need to talk to you again."

"Who needs to talk to me? I handed everything in when I left and you can send my P45 through the post."

It was silent for a second before Daniel continued.

"It's not us who needs to speak to you Cami, it's the Alpha."


A/N: Uploaded a bit early! 

I hope you guys liked the chapter

Next upload will be sometime next week. 

Thank you for reading!

-Kayy xx

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