Chapter 1

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The feeling in my stomach was nauseating, I couldn't shake it. Thoughts racing like "if not now when" and "whose gonna carry females into the sport if not you". My hands shook the whole way from the car to the building, I struggled to get it under control until I decided to glue them along the side of my jeans. I took one final shakey breath before pushing the glass door.
Receptionist: "Hi, may I help you?"
YN: "uh yes please, my name is yn yln, I'm here for an interview for the 2021 rookie spot?"
Receptionist: "are we now?" She ravaged through a bunch of papers without looking up
YN: "oh. Sorry did I get the date wrong? Was I not supposed to receive the email that happens sometimes once I-"
Receptionist: "sarcasm. I've heard a lot about you yn, I hope you get the spot for what it's worth."
YN: relief rushed through me, not off to a great start. "huh, thanks good to know."
Receptionist: "walk down the hallway and first door to your right. It's the only opaque door so shouldn't be hard. Good luck!"
YN: "thanks again!"
I needed to stop shaking, I heard my voice quiver when I was talking to her and she's just a receptionist, I dont think that's gonna fly with Andreas Seidl, or Mike Flewitt. God, not knowing is killing me. The orange door was characterised by the paper sign with the word 'private' written in what looked like child's handwriting. I tried knocking but nobody answered. I looked around to see if the receptionist was still there but I guess she had somewhere better to be so instead I brave it and walk in.

I don't understand the need for an opaque door if there is a massive wall of glass overlooking the water. The room was breath taking, enough to get my mind off what I was doing here. A steel table stretched across the room with nobody sitting down, no one was here. Interesting. I peeked my head out the door but it was still eery silent. First door to the left, opaque, can't get it wrong. I didn't, so where was who ever I'm meeting?

I got comfortable in my seat, the very middle over looking the water. It was doing wonders to calm me down. But that all fell to shit when I heard the door behind me open and I jumped a little in my seat. I whipped my head around to see a scruffy head of brown hair poke his head through the door, only after his eyes laid on me did he come waltzing in. Lando? Shit maybe I am in the wrong room.
YN: "not to be rude or anything but I have a feeling your in the wrong room, or my worst nightmare has come to life and I am late to my interview." He chuckled and extended his hand which I meant with mine for a shake.
LN: "Lando. And no actually I am the one who is late, no matter how hard I try punctuality just isn't my thing."
YN: "huh. Well my name is yn. Lovely to meet you." He joined me on the seat directly across from me, odd for him to be running this interview.
LN: "no no no pleasure is most certainly mine." His mockery of my seriousness got me to crack a smile and let my guard down a bit. "Anyways where should we start."
YN: "right. 2020 was my greatest season driving with the carlin Motorsport team I got P1 a few times just missing out from winning the F2 drivers championship coming second overall. I held the fastest lap a few times, at hungary, actually faster than 70% of the F1 drivers. And-"
LN: "so your alright."
I was silent, is he serious? He burst into laughter and  this time I was at a complete loss.
LN: "yn this interview isn't about your racing, your one of the few people we interview today because we know your fast and have good race intelligence, McLaren obviously have no doubt you could succeed in there car. Your here because they want me to interview you all to see who would be the better teammate you know, who would compliment each other best."
This I had not prepared for.
YN: "okay, so what now if I'm not taking about my racing?"
LN: "tell me a bit about yourself."

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