She wrapped the necklace in a small piece of paper and hid it behind the picture frame. She zipped the bag and picked up the burner phone, and dialed the number of her Aunt Molly. Anya is certain that her aunt can help her.

Anya was chewing her lips nervously as she waited for her aunt to pick up. She lets go of the breath she was holding when Anya heard her aunt's voice. "Auntie! Thank God you picked up!"

Molly closed the dishwasher and ran to the garden when she heard her niece's voice. "Anya? What happened? Are the three of you alright?" She asked in a panic.

Anya told Molly about the threats so the old lady was now filled with so much worry, and wanted none other than to fly to Anya's location and scoop her up along with Lexus and little Eli.

Anya brushed her long hair back and crawled towards her son. "Auntie, they're coming for us. Lexus is holding them off, but I don't think he can endure any longer. I want you to do a favor for me."

Molly's heart thumped nervously when she got what Anya's trying to say. She looked around and headed towards a darker area of the garden. Molly is not sure if she's the perfect person to take care of a baby.

"I'm sorry, Anya. Find another person. I don't have the luxury to take care of a baby," Anya's aunt coldly refused and ended the call. Anya called her again but her aunt turned off her phone.

She stared at the burner phone for a while. She still can't believe that the only person who can help her left her hanging. Frustration, dread, and devastation crashed like waves and flooded her system. Broken and muffled sobs filled the room, as Anya tried to get over the fact that her trusted relative betrayed her.

Anya's heart was broken when her aunt, the one person who knew about their situation, coldly rejected her son. It was bad enough that Lexus was stalling for them, she had no one to turn to.

She glanced at her son and wept helplessly. She doesn't know what to do. Everything is hopeless and helpless. She is terrified for her son's safety, the enemies are lurking around, and she has no one. It's as if the universe conspired with their enemies to make their lives a living hell.

Anya was alarmed and she slowly wiped her tears when she heard a voice from above. She reached for a piece of paper and scribbled a letter, then inserted it in the pocket of Eli's onesie. She picked up her son and the duffel bag.

They needed to get out of here.


18 years later,

Elijah woke up with a smile on his lips. Today is another day, and he is intent on exploring the world and enjoying every experience to add it to his Book of Life Experiences.

He fixed his beddings and looked out of the window. Stream of morning light touched his face and he giggled. His eyes widened and grinned when he saw Grammie Amanda. She's the beautiful and kind old lady who gave Elijah food and other supplies ever since he moved here. His grammie is just two blocks away from his place.

"Grammie! Good morning!" Amanda glanced at her favorite boy and stopped.

"Eli, darling. A pleasant morning to you as well." She gave a warm smile to Elijah and Elijah giggled. She narrowed her eyes and walked towards the boy's wooden gate and opened it. "Someone is in a good mood. Care to tell grammie what it's about?"

Elijah nodded and jumped out of his window. His grammie gasped out of worry but there was no need to. He landed on the ground perfectly, and it was not that high. About five feet.

Amanda grabbed Elijah's hand and pulled him into a hug. By the way her heart was racing, you might think that Eli jumped from a five-story building.

"You reckless boy!" Amanda exclaimed and pinched Eli's cheeks. "I almost had a heart attack!" She added with an overdramatic tone and Elijah giggled.

"Grammie! You're overreacting." Amanda rolled her eyes and brushed Eli's bedhead. Elijah's heart warmed when his grammie gave him a warm smile. His chest tightened up and he felt the familiar burn in his eyes.

No one truly cared for him, except his parents, his nanny, his grammie, and his grandpops. Elijah may not have met his parents, but he knew how much they loved him.

Elijah blinked the tears away and forced a smile. There was no need to get dramatic first thing in the morning. He needs to tell his grammie the good news.

Elijah filled his lungs with air and thought of cupcakes and chocolates. It did improve his mood, at the same time, caused his stomach to rumble. He glanced at his amused grammie shyly and pouted.

"Grammie, the monsters in my tummy are mad. They need food," he whined and wrapped his arms around Amanda's waist.

Amanda chuckled and rubbed Elijah's back. "Alright. Have breakfast at our place. Grandpops misses you, and he has your favorite chocolate chip cookies and a glass of milk prepared. I'm here because of that."

Elijah leaned back and with wide eyes, squealed and clapped his hands. "Cookies! Wait for me, grammie. I'll just prepare my clothes." Elijah did not wait for Amanda's permission and ran back to his small apartment.

Amanda sighed pleasantly and smiled. Her heart swells with happiness every time she sees Elijah smiling and cheerful. She glanced around and couldn't help but be sad for the boy.

Elijah is living in a run-down apartment, but he did his best to keep it clean and tidy. There is a small lawn scattered with so many flowers, and his place is enough for one person.

However, she still fears for his safety, so without his knowledge, Amanda ordered her employees to install security cameras around the area. She also reinforced the lock and told Elijah that he won a raffle just so he would accept the kind gesture without protest.

They are actually having a hard time helping him because Elijah does not accept kindness easily. You need to present a persuasive argument before he agrees. You might think that an innocent boy would accept help without complaints, but Elijah is different. According to him, he needs to work hard for the things he will receive.

Their boy just doesn't know how to act spoiled, and it breaks her heart imagining what kind of childhood that must be.

Elijah will hate her if he knew what she did, but it's for his safety. The boy is like a grandson she never had; well, Amanda has one, but not as innocent as Elijah. Even if they wanted to adopt Elijah and give him a home and a family, they respect his decision.

The boy wanted to be independent and explore the world in his own eyes. All they can do is guide and protect him from the sidelines.

"Grammie! I'm ready!" Elijah burst out the door, a backpack slung on his shoulders, and turned to the door and locked it. Then ran to his grammie with a soft giggle. "By the way grammie, I have good news! I'll tell you guys later." He added with a hint of secrecy and Amanda chuckled.

"Alright, Eli. Come on, your grandpops has been pestering me with his calls since five minutes ago. You don't want to face the monster grandpops, right?"

Elijah gasped and stared at his grammie in horror. "Oh no. Monster grandpops is bad grandpops. He surely will eat my cookies! Let's hurry, grammie! My cookies are in trouble!" Elijah grabbed his grammie's hand and dragged her back to his grandpops.

Wait for me, cookies. I will save you.


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