Start from the beginning

They separate ways the moment they step foot out of the Slytherin Tower. Annalise hurried to Transfigurations class, she entered the room just as Professor Mcgonagall entered which fortunately, led her to not receiving any tardy slip or detentions.

She quickly takes a seat next to Luna, who's dreamily reading The Quibbler upside down. "Thank goodness, I still made it" a low chuckle of relief escape her mouth.

Luna placed the magazine down on her desk and stare at her dreamily. "You skipped breakfast, the others were looking for you"

Annalise noticed Luna's dirty blonde hair was pulled in a beautiful tight up-do, with strands of curled fringes framing her face. "Yes ― sorry, erm, I woke up late, anyways ― you look beautiful, Luna"

Luna's cheek flushed red, and she shyly inclined her head. "Thank you. Pansy did my hair today, and said I should keep it this way" she run a skinny hand over her neck and smiled cutely at herself.

Annalise giggled at the sight of Luna, if she wears that kind of hair everyday, so many guys and girls will fall for her.

"Surely you will have enough time to giggle in the lavatory after class. Right Miss Beaufort and Miss Lovegood?" Professor McGonagall's voice snapped, when Annalise look at the Professor who's standing at the front of the class, she immediately flushed and lower her head in embarassment.

Luna was fiddling with her quills, her dreamy eyes stared right at the Headmistress "Sorry Professor Mcgonagall, Annie was merely admiring my hair today, we didn't mean to interrupt"

McGonagall quirked an eyebrow, and with a swish of her wand, the second-hand Transfiguration books that were stack in the desk behind her, all flew towards each one of their tables. "Yes, but you did. Now if you would kindly put an end to your giggling and listen to our discussion, I would reconsider taking twenty points off your house."

Annalise and Luna immediately fell quiet, throughout the whole class they keep on glancing at one another, causing the both of them to stifle in a laugh.

The second Professor McGonagall had dismissed them, Annalise and Luna scrambled, gathering all their stationaries and head out the classroom.

"What's next on our schedule?" Annalise asked as they brisk walk pass the trophy room and to the gold painted walls with wrought flooring.

Luna stopped from bouncing, slipped a hand inside her pockets and took out a smal parchment slip. "Mhm ― free period actually, want to go to the Library? The Great Hall's usually packed with students who signed up for apparition class at this hour"

Annalise nodded and stare at Luna with interest. "I thought we can't use Apparition around here?"

Luna proceeded on bouncing. "It is. Unless you sign for Apparition Class with McGonagall, every morning she undoes the protective wards in the Great Hall to enable students to apparate ― only in the Great Hall though" she stated dreamily, her eyes roaming everywhere.

Soon enough they find themselves entering the Georgian gates of the Library. Madam Pince, the owner and keeper of the humongous library, kept an eye on them the entire time, as they were the only students inside.

"I'll be looking for books about Wrackspurts, my head's filled with them lately and I have no clue why" Luna said and marched away to the north wing of the library.

Annalise stood still and wonder what she'll do for the remaining hours here, looking around the library, she suddenly recall the Manor and the library held there, it was filled with all interesting dark artifacts and books that could raise her skin. Nothing like Hogwarts library, which is filled with books only to help students with their education.

To my Roommate, Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now