"I'll ask one of the nurses to bring them to you but you're not allowed to get out of the hospital at least for two other days you know that don't you?" The doctor says as he leaves the room after checking me out one last time.

After a few minutes, one of the nurses opens the door and enters with a piece of paper holding in her hands and a small bag that I suppose is the one where my clothes and my other things are.

"Here you go, Mr. White." The nurse says as she hands me the letter.

"I'll leave your other stuff here if you need anything." She says smiling then leaves closing the door behind.

"Thanks." I reply simply as I start to unwrap the letters envelope.

Duhh... I feel nervous.. I don't know what is written in the letter but my heart is racing to find out but I don't know what to do. I'm scared and my palms are sweating. I've never been so scared in my entire life because I don't know what I'm going to read inside of it.

The letter almost drops from my hands but I hold it tightly then I slowly open it to see her name written on the front page.
I just stare at her name written with elegance unable to read further.

After a few seconds, I put all my shit together and I start reading it.

Dear love of my life,

I never thought that one day I'll be sitting at a table writing a letter for you while you're laying on the bed fighting death.
I loved you with everything I had and somehow I know you loved me too. If not? That's okay.

"What is all this? What is she trying to say? She isn't trying to break up with me right?"

I want to call her but I don't know what to say to her yet. Can she still love me?
I mean, we've been together for so long and we've shared so many amazing moments together. There were times when she was really mad at me but that doesn't mean she wants to break up right?

"Come on, Bryan." I say to myself then I start reading it again.

When I finish reading it I stare at her name for a few seconds then I toss it to the ground.

"What is all this bullshit? She can't just leave me like that without explaining to me why first. It's not that easy." I say as I slowly manage to get up to get dressed then I grab my phone to call Liam and luckily for me the battery it's not dead.


"Hey. What's up? Do you know where my car is?" I ask him as soon as he answers.

"What?" He asks confused.

"My car. Do you know where it is?" I ask him again.

"Your... your car is in the hospital parking lot. I brought it there.
And the keys are also in your jacket's pocket.

"Okay, thanks man." I say then I hang up the phone.

When I'm all dressed up I open the door slowly to look if someone is there so I can sneak out.

After l leave the hospital building I take my phone to call Mia but it says that her number doesn't exist.
What the fuck? She has changed her number too.
I can't believe this. There's definitely something going on here and I have to find out what.

"Bryan? You're awake?" Damian says when he answers after I call him for the second time after Mia didn't answer.

"Is this how you fix things?" I ask him furiously.

After Everything 1Where stories live. Discover now